Japanese pacifi st and ecological posters U.G. Satō and others
- Institution: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Polish Institute of World Art Studies
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 54-74
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/aoto201903
- PDF: aoto/8/aoto803.pdf
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- Cieślińska = Cieślińska Nawojka, „Japoński charakter…” [Japanese character],Sztuka 1980, no 5, p. 31–
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- Garcia, Miralles = Hector Garcia, Francesc Miralles, Shinrin yoku. Japońska sztuka czerpania mocy z przyrody [Shinrin yoku. The Japanese art of drawing power from nature], Krakow 2018.
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- Matul = Katarzyna Matul, Królik z kapelusza [Rabbit drawn from the hat], in: G. Satō. Przesłanie z humorem U.G. Satō. A message with humour], Outdoor Gallery. Łazienki Park Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw 2014.
- Nagai = Kazumasa Nagai in: Contemporary Japanese Posters, with the preface The Present Outlook for Posters In Japan by Kenshiro Takami, The Japan Foundation 1992.
- Ogawa = Masataka Ogawa, “The History of Japanese Posters”, in: Japanese Posters, 1945–1989, Tokyo 1990, pp. 24–
- Szydłowska = Agata Szydłowska, Plakat japoński – dzisiaj [Japanese poster - today]. Exhibition out of the DNP Archives of Graphic Design collection, Poster Museum at Wilanow, 2007.
- Satō = G. Satō, Tokyo, Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, 2006.
- Watano = Shigeru Watano, Japanese Posters and their cultural background, Affiche 1992, no 1, pp. 20–
- Weill =Allan Weill, “New Images for New Japan”, in: Japanese Posters 1945–1989, Tokyo 1990.
- Thornton 1991 = Richard S. Thornton, “New Japanese Graphics”, in: Japan Festival in Britain, Design Museum, London 1991.