Polish-Chinese Art Relations in the 19th and 20th Century
- Institution: Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun Polish Institute of World Art Studies
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 141-173
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/aoto201507
- PDF: aoto/4/aoto407.pdf
- Brus-Malinowska (2004) = Barbara Brus-Malinowska, Eugeniusz Zak 1884 – 1926, exhibition catalogue, National Museum in Warsaw, 2004.
- Fałat (1987) = Julian Fałat, Pamiętniki [Diary], Katowice 1987: 113.
- Frycz (2012) = Karol Frycz, Z podróży (From the journey), Lidia Kuchtówna (ed.), Warszawa 2012.
- Gryglewicz (2011) = Tomasz Gryglewicz, “Chinese Inspiration in Jerzy Panek’s Prints”. In: Poland – China. Art and Cultural Heritage, Kraków 2011: 277.
- Guze (1956) = Joanna Guze, Kulisiewicz, Warszawa 1956: 19 – 20.
- Hu Guang Hua (2011) = Hu Guang Hua, “Investigation of Art Exchanges between China and Poland in the 1950s. In: Poland – China. Art and Cultural Heritage, (ed.) Joanna Wasilewska, Krakow 2011: 211 – 216.
- Kossak (2012) = Ernst Kossak, Professor Eduard Hildebrandt’s Reise um die Erde, 1879, reprint: Salzwasser-Verlag GmbH, 2012.
- Kuchtówna (2012) = Lidia Kuchtówna, “Impresje Karola Frycza o Sztuce o teatrze chińskim” (Karol Frycz’s Impressions of Chinese Art and Theatre). In: Sztuka Chin (Art of China), ed. by Joanna Wasilewska, Warszawa 2009: 149 – 158.
- “Kunst und Künstler” (1927 – 1928) = “Kunst und Künstler”, 1927 – 1928: 112.
- Lebedeva (2013) = Tatiana Lebedeva, “Development of the Russian School of Art in the context of emigration to China in the first half of the 20th century”, Art of the Orient (Torun), vol. 2, 2013: 147 – 164.
- Li Chao (2011) = Li Chao, “Dissemination of Polish Fine Arts in China in the 1950s”. In: Poland – China. Art and Cultural Heritage, (ed.) Joanna Wasilewska, Krakow 2011: 217 – 222.
- Malinowski (1999) = Jerzy Malinowski, “The Journey by Julian Falat to China and Japan in 1885”, Studies in Art History [University of Tokyo], no. 16, 1999: 189 – 176.
- Malinowski, Brus-Malinowska (2007) = Jerzy Malinowski, Barbara Brus-Malinowski, W kręgu Ecole de Paris. Malarze żydowscy z Polski (In the circle of Ecole de Paris. Jewish Painters from Poland), Warszawa 2007: 45 – 67.
- Osiński (2011) = Zbigniew Osiński, “Jerzy Grotowski in China”. In: Poland – China. Art and Cultural Heritage, Kraków 2011: 259 – 268.
- Pokorska, Wasilewska (1993) = Barbara Pokorska, Joanna Wasilewska, Kobzdej, Kulisiewicz, Strumiłło. Rysunki z Azji (Kobzdej, Kulisiewicz, Strumiłło. Drawings from Asia. Exhibition catalogue). Warsaw: Museum of Asia and the Pacific, 1993: 27.
- Szelegejd (1984) = Jacek Szelegejd, Azja mistrza Kulisa. Rysunki Tadeusza Kulisiewicza z Chin i Indii (Asia of Master Kulis. Drawings by Tadeusz Kulisiewicz from China and India. Exhibition catalogue). Warsaw: Museum of Asia and the Pacific, 1984.
- Szczygieł-Gajewska (2014) = Monika Szczygieł-Gajewska, “Pamiętniki Feliksa Topolskiego” (Memoirs by Feliks Topolski), Sztuka Europy Wschodniej / Искусство Восточной Европы / Art of the East Europe, vol. 2, 2014: 357 – 364.
- Topolski (1988) = Feliks Topolski, Fourteen Letters, London, Faber & Faber, 1988.
- Treter (1926) = M. Treter, “Pośmiertna wystawa Eugeniusza Zaka” (Posthumous exhibition of Eugene Zak), Warszawianka 25 III, 1926: 4.
- Wallis (1959) = Mieczysław Wallis, Sztuka polska dwudziestolecia. Wybór pism z lat 1921 – 1957 (Polish Art of Two Decades. Selection of writings from the 1921 – 1957), Warszawa 1959: 9.
- Wasilewska (2009) = Joanna Wasilewska, “Aleksander Kobzdej w Chinach – spojrzenie polskiego artysty w latach pięćdziesiątych XX w.” (Aleksander Kobzdej in China. A glance by the Polish artist in the 50s of 20th century). In: Sztuka Chin (Art of China). Warszawa 2009: 70.