Robert Michels jako przedstawiciel teorii elity

  • Author: Radomir Miński
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 39-53
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: apsp/43/apsp4303.pdf

Robert Michels is well-known as a legislator of the Iron Law of Oligarchy and a pioneer of political sociology. Robert Michels’ recognition as an exponent of elite theory is without reservations, whereas his role in development of the said theory is a moot point. His contribution towards development of the elite theory seems to be significant, but not sufficiently recognized (especially in polish humanistic). In western humanistic the question of Robert Michels’s role in consolidation of the elite theory was once discussed. The purpose of this article is to reconstruct Michels’ contribution to the elite theory and to discuss the key aspects of his thoughts as an integral to the precursors’ concept of the elitism; Gaetano Mosca and Vilfred Pareto.

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