Spadek znaczenia broni nuklearnej po zakończeniu zimnej wojny. Implikacje dla polityki obronnej USA
- Year of publication: 2014
- Source: Show
- Pages: 125-141
- DOI Address:
- PDF: apsp/42/apsp4208.pdf
The article presents the problem of the diminishment of nuclear weapons’ influence on international relations after the end of the Cold War. The analysis discusses the causes of military restraint among major powers. According to many observers, the value of military force is deteriorating as it is gradually being superseded by other manifestations of power, such as economic prowess, technological development or ideological appeal. Globalization and resulting economic interdependence between states creates more incentives for cooperation than for hostility. Moreover, since in the post Cold War era the US has enjoyed unprecedented military supremacy, it can achieve all possible military goals without resorting to nuclear weapons. This is further corroborated by the changing nature of military conflicts as terrorists have become a major enemy and fighting large armies has become the thing of the past. As a consequence, the role of nuclear weapons in the post Cold War era has been strongly deemphasized and the bomb itself might soon become entirely obsolete.