„Międzymorze” – pismo sekcji wschodniej Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej (1987 – 1989). Zapomniana historia.
- Year of publication: 2014
- Source: Show
- Pages: 77-95
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/athena.2014.41.05
- PDF: apsp/41/apsp4105.pdf
The history was discussed in the text presented here for the young Warsaw intellectuals who belonged to PPS at the end of the eighties and editors of the sheet “Miedzymorze” were. In the magazine one dealt the one between the three lakes with the difficulties of the cooperation mainly; countries meaning much to the Baltic Sea, the black sea and the Adriasee. The idea of the cooperation was stressed between Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania. These were established by the sheet the member of the circles belonged they to PPS and nevertheless emphasized your independence (the “Międzymorze” worked within the eastern part of PPS for short time). Five versions of the sheet were published within the five-year activity, a part of the editorial staff belonged to Towarzystwo “Pomost” which dealt with the difficulties of the national minorities in the PRL. „Koncepcja Piłsudskiego obejmowała nie Polskę narodową, lecz Wielkie Imperium Wschodnie, ogarniające ziemie Polski, Ukrainy, Litwy i Białorusi, imperium od Białego do czarnego Morza, dzielące Niemców i Rosjan, imperium oparte na fundamentach historycznych […] Wymarzone przez Piłsudskiego Imperium Wschodnie nie byłoby federacją, byłoby to Imperium Dominiów albo Polskie Imperium Dominiów”.