Mitomotoryczność opowieści: wykorzystanie analizy narratywnej do badań znaczenia mitów kulturowych (w stosunkach międzynarodowych)

  • Author: Patryk Wawrzyński
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 157-176
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: apsp/36/apsp3608.pdf

The Myth-Motorics of Narration: applying the Narrative Analysis to the Examination of Cultural Myth’s Influence (in International Relations)

THE BASIC AIM of cultural myths is to afford simplified explanations of the Reality and to establish social-shared beliefs and expectations about present and future events. Often these symbolic and emotional narrations constitute particular political decisions and programs or social acting, regardless of the situation, if it effects every-day individual choice whether state’s policy. In this article I would like to present a possibility of examining cultural myth’s influence on International Relations (and politics at all) thanks to applying the narrative method. The article explains not just theoretical assumptions, but step-by-step presents how to deal with the method in relation to cases of myths’ influence, basing on the output of international academic discourse. The proposition is also supported by an example of application of the Narrative Analysis of myths in international politics.

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