Propozycje Johna Bagota Glubba dla władz brytyjskich w kwestii rozwiązania konfliktu w Palestynie w 1946 r.

  • Author: Bartosz Wróblewski
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 267-282
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: apsp/36/apsp3614.pdf

The Role of John Bagot Glubb in Creating British Vision of Solution to the Conflict in Palestine in 1946

AFTER THE SECOND World War, British authorities recognized as necessity to solve the Arab – Israeli conflict in subordinated Palestine. In 1946, John Bagot Glubb – British officer and army commander of Transjordania, presented his own vision of the end of the conflict. In two memorandus: in 13th of July in 1946 and 6th of December in 1948, he proposed division Palestine into the Jewish area, including 18% of all country, and Arabic area including the rest. The Arabic area supposed to be joined with Transjordania in one country. This division was supposed to stop development of Jewish settlement. British authorities had to do this despite to protests of the U.S. This radical postulate was not accepted by government in London, although some of the ideas of these writings influenced on British elits’ views.

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