Reguły rywalizacji wyborczej a interesy partii politycznych – o politycznych konsekwencjach zmiany systemu wyborczego do Senatu RP w 2011 roku

  • Author: Rafał Glajcar
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 11-23
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: apsp/35/apsp3501.pdf

Rules of Political Rivalry and the Interests of Political Parties. On the Political Consequences of the Change of the Polish Senate’s Electoral System in 2011

ELECTORAL SYSTEMS ARE one of the most important instruments via which political actors shape national politics. For some groups they are seen as a source of future reward, while for others they lead to their demise, eliminating them from any right to decide about the politics of the state. There is no system that is able to combine both guaranteed stability of power with a faithful reflection of the political solutions sought after by the voters. For this reason it is all the more justified to look at electoral systems through the prism of the interests of political parties, especially of those who have the necessary majority to see various projects adopted. The change of the Polish Senate’s electoral system in 2011 is an excellent example of how the interests of political parties can override those of the voters.

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