Racja państwa i demokracji

  • Author: Zbigniew Machelski
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 252-269
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/athena.2012.33.16
  • PDF: apsp/33/apsp3316.pdf

Reason of State and Democracy

THE MAJORITY OF contemporary states boast of democratic legitimization and therefore want to see the true source of their power in people. The problem of creating a social system in which – on the one hand – all of the citizens have a real influence on governing their state and – on the other one – which is technically efficient, makes one of the most significant questions that still has not been settled in the theory of democracy. Formation of sovereign states has been accompanied by a process of building of nations. Each national community is – by principle – democratic. However, such a description of reality does not correspond to the history of Europe. It is difficult, for example, to fit the history of Poland properly in it: neglecting the short period aft er the regaining of its independence in 1918, basing on the model of polyarchy and taking into account the conditions of a sovereign state, Poland was not able to commence the building of democracy until 1989, in the conditions of division and polarization.

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