Wybory do Kongresu Stanów Zjednoczonych w 2010 roku Casus wyborów do Senatu na Alasce
- Year of publication: 2011
- Source: Show
- Pages: 144-157
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/athena.2011.32.09
- PDF: apsp/32/apsp3209.pdf
ON TUESDAY AFTER the first Monday of November American citizens decided who would be their representatives in House of Representatives in a next two years and which political option will fill 1/3 of the Senate. As the results of the election show, reforms and activity of the Barack Obama’s administration were not received and evaluated in favorable way by the society, especially the Republican part. Candidates from the Republican Party failed to mobilize voters, including independent ones to oppose the policy of Barack Obama and to advocate of returning a conservative trend in politics, especially domestic one. The victory of the Republicans was stopped in the Senate where the Democratic Party maintained its advantage. The main issue of the article is to present changes that have taken place in the United States not only in political aspect but also in personal one. The second aim is to answer the question whether the November’s elections bring real change in the circles of the ruling elites or are just displacement the opposition party in the ruling one, and vice versa.