Szwajcarskie referendum „Stop minaretom” – podstawa prawna, wyniki i skutki

  • Author: Tadeusz Branecki
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 174-188
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: apsp/32/apsp3211.pdf

NOVEMBER 29, 2009, Swiss citizen took part in the referendum and passed a ban on building minarets. The initiative was carried out starring: Swiss People Party (SVP) and the conservative Federal Democratic Union (EDU). Applicants postulated to ban construction of minarets on Swiss mosques. Originators of the initiative in their arguments postulated the introduction of the ban because of the progressive country into Islam. Opponents of the referendum argued that the ban violates the European Convention on Human Rights and prevents the integration of Muslims into society of Switzerland. Currently, everyone is waiting for the decision of the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg, which received a complaint regarding a violation of the prohibition of the European Convention on Human Rights.

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