Wpływ struktury organizacyjnej Eurojustu na jej efektywne działania

  • Author: Monika Potkańska
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 55-76
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/athena.2011.28.04
  • PDF: apsp/28/apsp2804.pdf

EUROJUST WAS SET up to improve the fight against serious crime by facilitating the optimal co-ordination of action for investigations and prosecutions covering the territory of more than one Member State with full respect for fundamental rights and freedoms. Eurojust is composed of 27 National Members, one from each EU Member State. These are senior and experienced judges, prosecutors, or police officers of equivalent competence, who together form the College of Eurojust. The College shall be responsible for the organisation and operation of Eurojust. The current administrative arrangements combine the specific requirements of the Eurojust Decision with a lean management structure. Special teams including College members, when appropriate, were created to deal with specific projects. The structures created are flexible and can be changed as necessary to ensure that the casework and other business needs of the College are met.

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