Okrągły Stół jako przykład interpretacji pamięci zbiorowej dokonywanej przez członków polskiej klasy politycznej

  • Author: Bartosz Juszczyszyn
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 248-269
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/athena.2011.28.14
  • PDF: apsp/28/apsp2814.pdf

THE MAIN REASON of this paper is to analyze attitude of the polish politicians towards the effects of the so-called Round Table Agreement made in 1989. Despite differences in Round Table Agreement evaluation it is widely recognized as one of the key events that started political reforms in Poland. This situation highly contributed to the numerous attempts made by politicians to interpret this part of history and impose their own view on the past. This paper tries to examine the main reasons for which political parties used this part of the past. It seems significant that among them the most important seem to be gaining and confirming legitimization, attacking political opponents and promoting specific identity based on the evaluation of the past. What’s more this attempts were reflected in surveys that reflected changes of the public opinion attitude towards this event. For this reason, historical policy treated as an interpretation of the history made by political elite, can be recognized as a kind of political action aimed to influence people’s opinion on collective memory.

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