Etnicyzacja religii i sakralizacja etnosu: nacjonalizm w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej
- Year of publication: 2010
- Source: Show
- Pages: 36-50
- DOI Address:
- PDF: apsp/24/apsp2403.pdf
CENTRAL AND EASTERN Europe is an amazing example of penetration of religion and ethnicity in the process of creating a modern national identity. Abstracting religion in its sacral aspect, and especially in its cultural aspect, from individual identities is impossible in fact. I intend to consider the processes: ethnicization of religion and sacralization of ethnicity, which are – in my opinion – the two sides of same coin. There are processes mutually coupled with each other. I will try to answer the question why, how and to what extent, religion determines national self-consciousness of the inhabitants of the vast area between Germany and Russia