Drogi hindutwy. Tradycja hinduskości w konfrontacjach z hinduizmem kolonialnym i postkolonialnym
- Institution: Uniwersytet SWPS
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 136-163
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap201807
- PDF: ap/21/ap2107.pdf
The roads of Hindutva. Extreme Hindu(is)ness confronted with colonial and post-colonial versions of Hinduism
Dealing with the key category of Hinduism imported from English linguistic habits (of “-isms’), some eminent Indian researchers evolved this notion from ancient roots of hindu dharma. In modern times of colonial and post-colonial ages it has been confronted in cultural and political space as two polarised worldviews. The first one has been seen as tolerant neo-Hinduism proclaimed at the down of Independence by Mahatma Gandhi (with Indian Congress Party support) and the other one has been described as extreme Hindutva connected with modern outlook of W. Damodar Sarvodar. The first one formed sound foundation for the Nehru-Gandhi family line, ruling India in the second part of the 20th Century. And the other one has been built as the foundation for opposite socio-political formations, starting from Sarvodar and ending with the contemporary leader of BJP, Narendra Modi. The direct and indirect connections of the outlook of contemporary Hindutva have been described together with recent evolution of Narendra Modi and his supporters. This duality of Indian political scene has been shown in comparative modern world entourage as the prevailing tendency of the our century.
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problemy demograficzne Indii teoria hindutwy hinduizm polityczny historia Indii XX w. Mahatma Gandhi tradycja hinduskości hinduizm postkolonialny Hinduizm kolonialny