Chińskie tradycyjne praktyki magiczne na rzecz osiągnięcia i utrzymania bogactwa

  • Author: Joanna Afek
  • Institution: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 129-145
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ap/18/ap1805.pdf

The cult of money in contemporary China: traditional magical practices promising wealth

The article is devoted to the new China’s riches, who are practicing the traditional magic in order to achieve and maintain wealth. It the first paragraph, I describe the Chinese riches and compare them to the western riches. In the second paragraph, I describe the irrational factors in the Chinese business. Irrational factors in the Chinese business are related to the following issues: the creation of company and product names (the structure and meaning of names as well as the translations into Chinese are analysed here); the consequences of believing in lucky (e.g. eight) and unlucky (e.g. four) numbers; hiring new employees and the practice of “face-reading” (mianxian); the placement and design of the company or institution and the meaning of the feng shui art; business decision-making and crisis management on the basis on the feng shui art, divination and other magical practices. The analysis is supported by the newest research in the China’s business and business.

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