Polska polityka zagraniczna wobec Azji i Pacyfiku po 1989 roku
- Institution: Departament Azji i Pacyfiku Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 9-37
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap201301
- PDF: ap/16/ap1601.pdf
Poland’s Foreign Policy towards Asia and Pacific after the Turning Point of the Year 1989
Relations between Poland and Asia/Pacific have undergone a substantial change in the last two decades. Following deep political transformations in the years 1989–1993, Poland started a new chapter in its foreign policy. However, attention of its political elite was focused both on European affairs and Poland’s neighbouring countries, especially on the complicated relations with Germany and on the dramatic struggle for withdrawal of the Soviet, and, subsequently, Russian military forces from the Polish territory. Despite all the above mentioned difficult tasks Polish diplomacy had to face at the time, they also successfully developed and advanced relations with the Asia/Pacific region making the most of Poland’s recently regained independence from the communist camp. In the following years, the policy of Poland towards the Asia/Pacific region was overshadowed and strongly linked to (and influenced by) historical challenges, such as becoming the member of both the NATO and the European Union. In this period, the character and intensity of Polish relations with the Asia/ Pacific region have also depended on the major events in the world’s recent history, such as the accession of China to the WTO, two Iraqi wars, and, more recently, American ‘pivot’ to Asia. Finally, the author arrives at conclusions concerning the policy towards Asia/Pacific and presents recommendations for more efficient initiatives and stronger links with the region.