Elementy zagranicznej polityki ekonomicznej Chisńskiej Republiki Ludowej - implikacje dla Polski

  • Author: Kazimierz Starzyk
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 161-181
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap199807
  • PDF: ap/1/ap107.pdf

The foreign economic policy of the People’s Republic of China and its implications for Poland

The article is focused on fundamental factors of PRC’s foreign economic policy, against the background of long-term growth tendencies of its economy. In particular, quantitative and qualitative changes have been shown to take place in trade, with a particular emphasis on the role of the foreign direct investments and importance of the first half of the 80s, as a key period for establishment of the foundations of PRC’s economy transformations. In the article, the sources of these tendencies have been shown, which result both from internal conditions of the economic development and external ones, particularly following changing realities of the world economy. An evolutionary approach to the foreign economic policy has been stressed as a primary feature of the PRC’s international economic relations.
Poland’s position on PRC’s market depends on our ability of satisfying market requirements in the field of quality and modernity, as well as scale and punctuality of supplies. It will be also determined by our participation in different forms of industrial corporation, especially in the form of foreign direct investment.

zagraniczna polityka gospodarcza ChRL zagraniczne inwestycje w Chinach współpraca gospodarcza ChRL i Polski Foreign economic policy of the PRC foreign investments in China economic cooperation between Poland and PRC

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