Polityka Francji wobec Chin po roku 1989
- Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication: 2006
- Source: Show
- Pages: 49-60
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap200603
- PDF: ap/9/ap0903.pdf
France was the first Western power to establish full diplomatic relations with the communist China after 1949. In the early 90s however, the French human rights rhetoric after the Tiananmen massacre and notably the selling of arms to Taiwan provoked a crisis in the „historical alliance” between Paris and Beijing. In order to improve economic relations the new Gaullist government and president Chirac de facto abandoned the general de Gaulle’s „doctrine of two Chinas”. Paris stopped condemning China’s violations of human rights and suggested its EU partners to lift the embargo on arms sales to China. Despite the reconciliatory gestures and the intensification of political contacts after 1997, in terms of commercial relations with China, France is still behind the other Western countries. Moreover, the Sino–French trade relations remain dominated by the grands contrats, as a result of the lack of cooperation between the French middle-sized companies, their relatively late arrival into the Chinese market and their weak adaptation to alien culture surroundings. Nevertheless, China remains the biggest commercial partner of France in Asia. The dynamism of cultural exchanges as well as the growing interest in the French language in China indicate that the intensification of political, cultural and economic dialogue is likely to continue.