Restrukturyzacja i prywatyzacja chińskich przedsiębiorstw

  • Author: Bartosz Woliński
  • Institution: Politechnika Warszawska
  • Year of publication: 2006
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 156-176
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ap/9/ap0908.pdf


State Owned Enterprises (SOE) sector at the end of 70. was consisting of more than 100 thousands of enterprises with around 70 percentage of total country’s workforce and equally being responsible for almost 40 percentage of Chinese GDP at the time. Due to its size and several additional social functions provided by SOE, to implement the transformation plan was the great challenge – very often it was based on spontaneous local experiments subsequently adopted as an accepted general plan. Thus, to assess whether the Chinese government succeeded is not an easy task.
This plan was based on four stages seeking, in general, improve the financial standing and prepare SOE for sale to the private investors. Many of these companies were struggling with debts and huge losses, so to make them effective took a long time. Charged with the responsibility for the financial effectiveness, the managers of SOE were forced, i. a., to reduce employees. Thus, growing unemployment ratio is one of the main current issues to be resolved by the Chinese government.
Along with those four main stages, the whole SOE sector was divided into large ones and Small&Medium Enterprises (SME) groups to adopt various approaches towards restructuring them. Restructuring the SOE, China is witnessing the booming private enterprises sector. Both trends significantly changed the economical environment of China, introducing new management styles and economical effectiveness. From the social point of view, the growing private companies sector supplied the Chinese society with the new middle class.

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