System wartości na Tajwanie. Jaka „tradycja”? Jaka „nowoczesność”?

  • Author: Katarzyna Pawlak
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Year of publication: 2005
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 64-89
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ap/8/ap0804.pdf


This article is a report of a survey carried out during spring 2005 among student of two of the Taipei’s Universities. The survey was based on the questionnaire elaborated by David I. Hitchcock. At the same time, due to particular features of the discourse which founds Hitchcock analysis, article begins with an attempt of a reflection concerning so called Asian values and modernization process in the Taiwanese milieu. Modernity in Taiwan is revealed not as an opposition to so called „tradition” but as sometimes having a potential to preserve activity patterns and ideas from the past. The definition of „tradition” itself is developed not only as a „past conditions” but also is shown as a product of Taiwanese modernity.
Thos way of thinking about these ideas above, facilitates adaptation of the multiple modernities approach as an organizing perspective of survey analysis. Multiple modernities perspective stresses particularity and relative mutual independence between modernization and so called westernization processes. At the end author also tries to analyze the differences between the surveys carried out in Taiwan and in Vietnam.

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