Kraje ASEAN wobec Unii Europejskiej: próba bilansu

  • Author: Ryszard Zalski
  • Institution: PAN
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 105-116
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ap/5/ap0508.pdf


The paper outlines institutionalized co-operation of EU with ASEAN and in general relationships between Europe and East Asia. Both parties are aware of their signifi cance in the economy as well as in politics. Europe competes in this respect with the US.
The author presents the evolution of ASEAN and its activity, its internal relations and co-operation with EU. Its economic and political links with the USA, Japan and the PRC are also discussed. The author indicates ASEM as the main institutional framework of the inter-regional co-operation of Europe with East Asia.
The development of ASEM is analysed, beginning with its fi rst meeting in Bangkok in 1996, and the results achieved so far. The institutional structure and functioning of ASEM is also presented, as well as the increasing scope of co-operation.
These problems are discussed at the meetings on different levels. Apart from political dialogue those meetings concern economic and social issues. Nevertheless there are still a few problems concerning the internal collaboration.

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