Koncepcja Indo-Pacyfiku jako próba równoważenia Chin. Zmiany w amerykańskiej percepcji środowiska bezpieczeństwa
- Institution: doktorant Akademii Sztuki Wojennej
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 153-169
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap201907
- PDF: ap/22/ap2207.pdf
The concept of Indo-Pacific as the attempt of balancing China. The changes in the American perception of the security environment
The change in the name of the US Pacific Command to the US Indo-Pacific Command, which took place on May 30th , 2018, most clearly shows how the American perception of the security of the region is changing. Trump’s Indo-Pacific concept has replaced B. Obama’s Pivot concept in Asia. Seeing China as a strategic rival and a revisionist power, which has been mentioned in the national security strategy and the national defense strategy, the United States is trying to limit Chinas influence by strengthening formally existing alliances and ties with so-called strategic partners. The following article is an attempt to analyze the military dimension of the emerging need for the US to treat the Indo-Pacific as a unified operational theater, particularly in the context of the deteriorating security situation in the South China Sea and the ongoing Chinese militarization of the region.
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strategia powstrzymywania marynarka chińska A2/AD capabilities containment strategy Indo-Pacific region Chinese navy rywalizacja amerykańsko-chińska Indo-Pacyfik