Chinese Internet Literature from the Perspective of New-Style Literary Mechanisms: A Case Study of Sisterhood by Anni Baobei
- Institution: Uniwersytet SWPS
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 54-70
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ap/24/ap2404.pdf
China is one of the very few countries in the world that managed to transform its online sphere both into a vibrant literary scene and into a tool of successful soft power. Some writers who represent the advent of online literature (wangluo wenxue) still enjoy best-selling and long-selling status. Despite that, the wide readership of such authors as Anni Baobei, Han Han or Murong Xuecun has not been followed by significant academic interest. This paper draws from the contribution made by Shao Yanjun to analyze whether the New-Style Literary Mechanisms (such as online literary forums) put forward by him shape textual features, and if so, whether these should be reflected in translation. The research combines literary criticism and translation theory perspectives to present some key features of Chinese Internet Literature by presenting an example of a popular short story authored by Anni Baobei Sisterhood (Qiyue yu Ansheng). The analysis of stylistic and linguistic characteristics of the translated excerpts is conducted from three perspectives: the specific text economy, unorthodox punctuation, and the attempt to recreate the mediatic realm of the source text conveyed inter alia through the approach to CSI (Culture-Specific Items). It is found that texts created under the new-style literary mechanism regime may influence the translation strategy and constitute the novelty of wangluo wenxue.
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Annie Baobei internet literature literary translation “Goodbye, Vivian” New-Style Literary Mechanisms Chinese literature