Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 3-5
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: cip/13/cip13toc.pdf


Obwód Kaliningradzki Federacji Rosyjskiej: pogranicze polsko-rosyjskie

  • Author: Andrzej Chodubski
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 17-30
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201502
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1302.pdf

Kaliningrad District of Russian Federation: Polish-Russian Borderland

The following paper indicates that relations between Poland and Kaliningrad District are one of the crucial elements of Polish foreign policy and international relations. The Kaliningrad Area is a Polish-Russian borderland burdened with a kind of political taboo after the World War II. From the beginning of 90s of the 20th century it reveals international openness. The establishment of Polish-Kaliningrad cultural and civilization contacts remains fully controlled by Russia. Poland tries to respect this dependence. The agreement of local border traffic plays a large role in rapprochement between both states. The institutionalization of life of Polish community is important for tightening of Polish-Kaliningrad-Russian relations.

culture and civilization transition Polish-Kaliningrad relations Kaliningrad District of Russian Federation relacje polsko-kaliningradzkie Obwód Kaliningradzki Federacji Rosyjskiej Polish-Russian relations stosunki polsko-rosyjskie kultura polityczna przemiany kulturowo-cywilizacyjne political culture

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Wyobrażenia przestrzenne – „kulturowy zwrot” w analizach geopolitycznych

  • Author: Jakub Potulski
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 33-47
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201503
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1303.pdf

Ideas space – „The cultural turn” in geopolitical analyses

The expansion of frontier scientific fields, such as geopolitics and political geography, put in front of contemporary geographical researches the task of new methods development and methodological base growth. Nothing has generated more controversy in social science than the turn toward culture variously known as the linguistic turn, culturalism or postmodernism. The main purpose of this article is to examine the impact of the “cultural” or “postmodern” turn in political geography and geopolitics. The purpose of this article is to introduce to the main concepts and research themes in contemporary geopolitics.

geographical images obrazy geograficzne wyobrażenia przestrzenne zwrot kulturowy cultural turn geopolitical imaginations geopolityka krytyczna critical geopolitics

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Philosophical traditions impact on social policy: Comparing Poland and the United States

  • Author: Vincent Chesney
  • Institution: Marywood University
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 48-58
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201504
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1304.pdf

Philosophical traditions impact on social policy: Comparing Poland and the United States

Healthcare policies for people with developmental disabilities (PWDD) in both the United States of America and the Republic of Poland have evolved from socially conservative to liberal philosophies. One area that illustrates this process is the rise and fall of institutionalization. During the 18th and 19th Centuries, American families with PWDD were encouraged to relinquish the identified family member to state-run institutions, as early as diagnoses were made, in order to reduce burdens on the family and society. The charity model as understood in Judeo-Christian tradition in which sacrifice was emphasized and Greco-Roman tradition which advocated for more intelligent men to rule over others for the greater good of all will be explored. Industrialization, World War II (WWII) and the American Civil Rights Movement of the 20th Century all prompted new policies toward care for PWDD. Since the Civil Rights Movement, census numbers at state-run institutions for PWDD have been declining regularly. This movement finds validation in the liberalism of modern American philosophers. Poland has followed a similar path in a general, yet truncated way. As a Soviet satellite following WWII, Poland was compelled to adopt Soviet Union traditions toward PWDD. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, Poland established policies enshrined in American and European law, such as person-centered care for PWDD. Both countries have dedicated national funds for supporting PWDD, such as America’s Medicaid and Poland’s National Disability Fund. As Poland and the United States continue to integrate services into more inclusive societies, national healthcare initiatives remain viable based on comparative studies. Quality of life indicators are offered in support of this deinstitutionalized, person-centered model.

contemporary times tradition philosophy United States Poland

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Współczesne źródła informacji a badania terenowe w analizach krajobrazu

  • Author: Bartosz Pępek
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 59-70
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201505
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1305.pdf

Modern spatial data and individual research in landscape analysis

Modern sources of spatial data trying to change posiotion of traditional methods of individual field research. The increasing availability of spatial data makes it possible to reduce individual research. The analysis of data available in Polish National Geographic Information System (PNGIS) was designed to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of modern sources of spatial data and bring information about usability to landscape research. This analysis gave us information that, in spite of having a very large data base of spatial information, working with many different data can be problematic. Data from Individual research related with modern spatial database give most valuable research material.

mapmaking terrain research landscape analysis kartografia analiza krajobrazu badania terenowe

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Unifikacja i dywersyfikacja życia kulturowego

  • Author: Tomasz Lenkiewicz
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 71-78
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201506
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1306.pdf

Unification and diversification of cultural life

Nowadays, one can observe signs of world’s unification and, at the same time, its diversification. These interdependences relate primarily to the economic, social, political and cultural spheres. It is assumed that in the postwar period, Western civilization has shifted from the industrial to the post-industrial phase, which is called information, consumer or a business civilization. There are many factors and phenomena that imply the unification and diversification of cultural life in modern conditions, closely related to uniformity and standardization. The most important of these are: scientific and technological progress and development, legal solutions and media. The modern socio-political and economic image of Europe reveals a characteristic discrepancy between declarations and reality visible especially in the creation and functioning processes of the European Union. The process of unification and disintegration of Europe raises issues such as: a crisis of values, of humanism, depreciation of moral principles.

unifikacja dywersyfikacja diversification kultura globalizacja cywilizacja Civilization Unification culture globalization

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Podmiot, przedmiot, stan czy proces? Rozważania na temat typologii bezpieczeństwa

  • Author: Marek Rewizorski
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 79-101
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201507
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1307.pdf

Subject, object, state or process? Reflections on the typology of security

The purpose of this article is to analyse security in three dimensions: subjective, objective and processual, taking into account rich domestic and foreign literature. The use of literature study allows not only to review the current state of research, but it also has ordering, or systematizing character within domain of security studies. It is also a pretext for employing theoretical perspective on each of the above-mentioned aspects of security inspired largely by works of Ken Booth, Barry Buzan, Hedley Bull, John Vincent and Nicholas Wheeler.

Process (of Security) State (of Security) stan społeczność międzynarodowa international society proces interwencja humanitarna humanitarian intervention bezpieczeństwo security

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Mafia i polityka – antagonizm czy współzależność?

  • Author: Przemysław Pujer
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 102-113
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201508
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1308.pdf

Mafia and politics – Antagonism or interdependence?

Many researchers of the history of Sicily and the current events on the Island claim that Sicily became enslaved by mafia. However, if one performs a deeper analysis of this land, he may draw a conclusion that Sicily was never free. Starting from the mythical Cyclops, there was no invader who would not be lured by legendary fertile and beautiful piece of land – a bridge between Europe and Africa. Organized crime in Sicily emerged as a resistance against the foreign presence on the island.

Sycylia przestępczość zorganizowana mafia organized crime Sicily Italy Włochy polityka politics

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Rola porozumienia „Solidarność” – ZSL – SD z 17 sierpnia 1989 roku w dążeniu Polski do demokracji

  • Author: Waldemar Żebrowski
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 114-125
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201509
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1309.pdf

The Role of the agreement between „Solidarity”, United People’s Party and Alliance of Democrats in Poland’s striving for democracy

A modification of Polish political system without undermining the predominant role of Polish United Workers’ Party was declared in the resolutions of the Round Table agreement. However, the election of June and following agreement between “Solidarity”, United People’s Party and Alliance of Democrats changed this situation. The coalition between “Solidarity”, United People’s Party and Alliance of Democrats was above all realistic and played a key role in the process of transition from authoritarianism to democracy

the Round Table Okrągły Stół reforma polityczna political reform transformacja polityczna political transformation

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Rewolucja francuska wobec Kościoła katolickiego w okresie Konstytuanty i Legislatywy (1789–1792)

  • Author: Tadeusz Dmochowski
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 126-151
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201510
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1310.pdf

The French Revolution towards the Catholic Church during the National Constituent Assembly and the Legislative Assembly period (1789–1792)

The paper presents the situation of the Catholic Church in France before the revolution of 1789 and the key political environments that created opposition to the Church, and then analyzes the attitudes and subsequent legal actions of the French authorities against of the Catholic Church in institutionally separated periods of the National Constituent Assembly (1789–1791) and the Legislative Assembly (1791–1792).

Legislative Assembly National Constituent Assembly Enlightment prześladowania Kościoła katolickiego Zgromadzenie Prawodawcze (Legislatywa) Zgromadzenie Narodowe Konstytucyjne (Konstytuanta) Wielka Rewolucja Francuska Zgromadzenie Narodowe National Assembly persecutions of the catholic church Oświecenie French Revolution Kościół katolicki catholic church

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Walka o podmiotowość prawną kobiet w epoce Oświecenia

  • Author: Jarosław Ślęzak
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 152-163
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201511
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1311.pdf

The woman’s struggle for subjectivity in early modern period

Legal subjectivity is the basic law concept. Legal capacity and capacity to act are connected with legal subjectivity. Through ages legal subjectivity evolve. The women fight an try to gain the legal subjectivity to become more independent.

legal subjectivity podmiotowość prawna kobieta Enlightment history of law historia prawa Oświecenie women

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Feminizm w Królestwie Niderlandów

  • Author: Joanna Leska-Ślęzak
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 164-173
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201512
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1312.pdf

Feminism in the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Feminism in the Netherlands began as social movement during the 19th century. The prominent representatives of the first feministic movement are: Wilhelmina Drucker, Aletta Jacobs and Helena Mercier. Later, the struggles of Second-wave feminism in the Netherlands mirrored developments in the women’s rights movement in other Western countries. Nowadays the position of women in the Netherland’s society have changed, but there are a lot of problems like part-time jobs, discriminating political parties, which must been encouraged to guarantee the full emancipation.

kobieta the Netherlands feminizm feminism społeczeństwo Królestwo Niderlandów polityka women society politics

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Nomadowie w przestrzeni mongolskiej

  • Author: Marian Tadeusz Mencel
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 174-192
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201513
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1313.pdf

Nomads in Mongolian space

Since the down of time, the Mongolian space has been fulfilled with the nomadic people activity, the reality of whom was generally focused on breeding pigs and the nomadic activity of many tribes. Boundaries of their expansion were set by natural conditions and, to much extent, Chinese agriculture that was better developed. Cultural differences and the internal market that was limited to products of animal origin, forced nomads to trade with Chinese settled farmers. Self-assessment of their own higher culture resulted in frequent acts of aggression that mainly aimed at seizing craft products of the settled people by force. It was also an attempt to politically subordinate them and impose tributary relations upon them. China – a country with huge territorial range – was undertaking fight to protect its peripheral population, generally without taking any military activities against nomads outside the territory of its own country, the borders of which has never been recognized by nomads as lines indicating the range of their own activity. These groups of nomads that managed to establish their own bodies that had characteristic of a country and that were able to influence the northern regions of China more strongly, were split as a result of the reaction of China and in times of their weakness, they underwent the process of assimilation or/and sinicization by taking over a model of socio-political organization of the much more developed Chinese civilization.

sinicization nomadic life Mongolian nomads sinizacja koczownictwo mongolscy nomadzi asymilacja migracje assimilation

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New Zealand: idea of nation

  • Author: Marcin Wałdoch
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 193-209
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201514
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1314.pdf

New Zealand: idea of nation

New Zealand has been a nation of firsts and innovators of many occasions. Moreover, it has also been a leading nation for civil and humanitarian issues. Peter Fraser was eager to invite over seven hundred Polish children to the country during World War II to keep them safe from the threat. Modern world has been shaped by past experience, where apart from cultural heritage and people’s backgrounds or origins neoliberalism created new conditions in which people around the world struggle to live. Neo liberalism along with capitalism unifying our world have influenced the notion of common values for different people. Nation is one of such values. We are now in the 21st century and it seems that New Zealand is at the forefront of progress on global scale in terms of understanding the concept of nation in global conditions. It is common knowledge that New Zealand depends mostly on exports, does it mean that New Zealand must compete by nation–branding with others on the global market?

critical studies cultural diversification dywersyfikacja kultury neoliberalizm neoliberalism New Zealand Nowa Zelandia globalizacja naród nation globalization

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Szariat a prawa człowieka w Acehu

  • Author: Kornel Bielawski
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 210-218
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201515
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1315.pdf

Sharia law and human rigts in Aceh

The Indonesian province of Aceh is considered to be the „gateway to Mecca”, as first Arab traders arrived there and in a peaceful way convinced Acehnese to adopt Islam as their religion. Many years of civil war and social consequences of tsunami in December 2004 meant that Aceh began to radicalize religiously. Implemented in the early twenty-first century Shariah law initially appeared to be tolerant, liberal version of Islam, but after 2004 it turned out to be completely different. Non-governmental organizations have begun to alarm about increasing cases of human rights violations in Aceh, as a direct consequence of the introduction of Shariah.

Shariah Aceh szariat prawa człowieka human rights

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Role of North Caucasus in the security of Russian Federation

  • Author: Przemysław Sieradzan
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 219-233
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201516
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1316.pdf

Znaczenie Kaukazu Północnego dla bezpieczeństwa Federacji Rosyjskiej

The article is dedicated to the dilemmas of post-imperial statehood in the context of Russian Federation security, with the particular emphasis on the fundamental alternative: to maintain the polyethnic (quasi-imperial) model of state or to build a nation state. The Author defines the concept of „empire” from the point of view of three determinants: the concentric structure based on center-periphery dichotomy, orientation towards the external mission and imperial idea. From this point of view, Russia is an imperial state (contrary to Tsarist Empire and USSR), neither is a typical nation state. The Author tries to prove that The author tries to demonstrate that the abandonment of federal, multinational state model would be tantamount to the loss of strategically important North Caucasus, which would deprive it of a regional power status. The study contains a multi-faceted exploration of the North Caucasus (which is a highly turbulent region) as a key territory for the global dimension of geostrategy. The Author analyzes potential threats to North Caucasian security and actions taken by Moscow in order to prevent them. He pays attention to the growing popularity of slogans about the necessity of separation of Caucasus and Russia. In his opinion, Caspian-Black Sea Region would become a zone of global destabilization, posing a threat to the world peace.

państwo narodowe imperium separatyzm empire Kaukaz Północny geopolityka Rosja nacjonalizm national state separatism nationalism North Caucasus geopolitics Russia

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O przeszłości politycznej Azerbejdżanu – od starożytności do podboju rosyjskiego i podziału kraju

  • Author: Piotr Kwiatkiewicz
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 234-244
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201517
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1317.pdf

About the political past of Azerbaijan – From ancient times to Russian conquest and the land divide

The political past of the area of Azerbaijan from ancient times to the first half of the 19th century formed part of the history of the Middle East. It was its integral part and people who have lived there partly shaped the culture and civilization of the region. Just like the other of its inhabitants, they experienced the invasion and conquest carried out by the army of Alexander the Great, the Persians, Arabs, Seljuk Turks and Mongols. Russian occupation of the northern part of Azerbaijan in the first half of nineteenth century was the beginning of separation of the country from the area which its created its identity.

Turks Meds Pers Alexander the Great Turcy Medowie Persowie Aleksander Wielki Arabs Arabowie Bliski Wschód historia Middle East history

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Duma tych, co cierpieli niewinnie. Ludobójstwo Ormian w Turcji

  • Author: Zbigniew T. Szmurło
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 245-264
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201518
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1318.pdf

Pride of those who suffered innocently. The genocide of Armenians in Turkey

In the article shown genocide of Armenians in Turkey in 1915 and and the picture of pogroms of Armenians who is found in the composition „Choucas: an international novel” by Zofia Nałkowska (1884–1954). She is regarded as a pioneer of the psychological novel in Poland. Set in the Swiss Alps, her novel „Choucas” (1927) reflects the author’s experience of a sanatoria village in the mountains above Lake Geneva, where she stayed from February to April 1925, and the international community she encountered there, including Armenian survivors of the genocide placed there by the Swiss Red Cross. In this text c read fragments of Genocide placed in the creation of the Zofia Nałkowska. Elements of the tragedy of the Armenians and the genocide perpetrated by the Turks in 1915 can be found in the logs of the author and her work „Choucas: an international novel” based on the meeting with Armenian refugees from Turkish pogroms who stay on treatment in a sanatorium in Switzerland.

genocide of Armenians Powieść internacjonalna Choucas 1915 Zofia Nałkowska literatura ludobójstwo Ormian Turcja literature Turkey Armenia

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Sytuacja mniejszości rosyjskiej na Ukrainie po aneksji Krymu do Rosji

  • Author: Magdalena Karolak-Michalska
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 265-275
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201519
  • PDF: cip/13/cip1319.pdf

Situation of Russian minority in Ukraine after the annexation the Crimea to Russia

The author analyzes the situation of the Russian minority after the annexation of the Crimea, putting the question on the current position and role of Russians living in Ukraine, as well as their impact on the creation of the local socio-political reality. Examines the socio-economic situation of Russians living on the peninsula. Consider also about the situation of the Russian population in the region south and east of Ukraine, pointing to the diversity of its attitudes towards the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. In concluding remarks, notes that among the Russian minority will continue to function group leaders in identifying its needs (mainly in terms of language and their rights) and formulating development programs. Will continue to operate the Russian minority organizations, supporting the views consistent with the parties and promote pro-Russian separatist tendencies. Thus, the Russian minority will continue to play a significant role in shaping the socio-political reality in Ukraine.

the Russians in the Crimea the Russian-Ukrainian conflict Russian minority Rosjanie na Krymie the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula konflikt rosyjsko-ukraiński aneksja Krymu mniejszość rosyjska

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