Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 3-10
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: cip/14/cip14toc.pdf



  • Author: Andrzej Chodubski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 11-18
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1400.pdf


Nauka wobec wyzwań współczesnej rzeczywistości społeczno-politycznej

  • Author: Andrzej Chodubski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 21-29
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201601
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1401.pdf

Science in presence of the modern social and political reality challenges. Inaugural lecture delivered on 7th October 2015 at the Gdańsk Academy for Seniors

It is indicated in the lecture that science, as human activity that aims at the objective recognition of a person and his universe, is nowadays perceived as a fundamental power that generates the cultural and civilizational nature of mankind and the world around it. The widening horizon of cultural life has been changing and still changes the scientific and research challenges, including the way, in which science is defined. At present, scientific and technological progress, legal solutions, educational requirements, constantly generate new challenges for science and make it a productive force. The role of social and political sciences that until recently strived to make their ways to achieve the title of science that is a methodologically structured knowledge about human, society and the world, has been changing.At present, the place of social and political reality in the sphere of scientific cognition is perceived as dichotomous – on the one hand, due to the methodology of researches, including attempts to compare them with exact sciences, their scientific separateness is assessed critically; however, on the other hand, taking into account the worked out methods and ways of defining cultural and civilizational reality, explantation of occurrences, processes, humanistic and social values, they are set in the classical science studies, as a whole.

social and political reality civilizational changes scientific and research process wiedza naukowa przemiany cywilizacyjne proces naukowo-badawczy rzeczywistość społeczno-polityczna scientific knowledge nauka Science

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Obraz współczesnej akademickości w Polsce

  • Author: Andrzej Chodubski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 30-38
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201602
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1402.pdf

Image of the present Polish academicism

Summary It is indicated in the lecture that higher education (universities) is one of the fundamental entities that change the image of cultural and civilizational life. Nowadays, its existence in Poland is based on the European Union projects, including rules of so called the Bologna process. Changes in the image and development of the Polish academicism that have been taking place, became subject of deep criticism made by scientific communities, as well as broad public opinion. In the process of these changes a clash between traditional values and information society creation was revealed. A particularly critical attitude towards the present development of academicism at the University is presented by representatives of humanities and social sciences.

tradition and modernity academic values tradycja i nowoczesność wartości akademickie edukacja uniwersytecka uniwersytet university cultural and civilizational changes przemiany kulturowo-cywilizacyjne university education

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Polityka jako wiedza kulturowa. Antropologia interpretatywna Clifforda Geertza

  • Author: Edyta Pietrzak
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 41-53
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201603
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1403.pdf

Politics as a Cultural Knowledge. Interpretative Anthropology of Clifford Geertz

The aim of the article is the presentation of the Interpretative anthropology, and its connections with political science. The paper describes humanistic inspirations of contemporary social theories, anthropological ways of understanding of culture and the title category with its political context. It is analysed through the hermeneutical category of discovering meanings in terms of Gadamer.

cultural knowledge semiotical concept of culture Interpretative anthopology wiedza kulturowa semiotyczna koncepcja kultury antropologia interpretatywna polityka politics

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Rola i znaczenie międzynarodowych rozwiązań prawnych wobec procesów globalizacji

  • Author: Tomasz Lenkiewicz
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 70-80
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201605
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1405.pdf

The role and importance of the international legal solutions to global processes

Growing international inter dependencies, weakening of internal and external sovereignty of the state and necessity of joint overcoming of problems and global threats reveals the necessity of creating new rules of global order, based not only on nation states, but also on growing number of international organizations and institutions, regional groupings, communities and local organizations. The globalization of political life fosters rise of number of institutions, organizations and international groupings and development of international law. The cooperation between them should respect the rules of equality, freedom, democracy, partnership, solidarity, respect for cultural diversity and environmental protection.

global order ład globalny organizacje międzynarodowe prawo międzynarodowe partnership partnerstwo globalizacja international organizations globalization international law

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Rozwój uniwersalnej ochrony praw człowieka

  • Author: Dawid Michalski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 81-98
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201606
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1406.pdf

The development of the universal protection of human rights

The development of human rights in contemporary world was possible due to the application the achievements of legal philosophers. First of all, medieval thinkers laid the groundwork for today’s organized system of recognizing the important values which today define universal human rights. The United Nations, as the successor of the concepts of the League of Nations, is the entity which internationalized this issue. Trying to create a definition of human rights draws attention to the essential value of this concept, that is, dignity and freedom. Despite the difficulties in formulating a clear definition it was tried to describe them and extract the directory common. Analyzing human rights from the perspective of developmental stages, it turns out that at the stage of conceptualization it appeared in the issue of separation of fundamental rights of units. Thus, when juridification has ensured the rights arising from the philosophical concepts, which proved to be universal values also in the modern globalized world. However, this does not mean that the process was hassle-free. Specific problems inherent in the international community, like the lack of unanimity in crucial matters, significantly lengthened the process. Initially, it was not possible to work out effective mechanisms of protection, and only demands were developed. Only by historical changes and the important breakthrough events, legal and international efforts became possible to undertake joint efforts to ensure and guarantee the protection of individual human rights. These activities resulted in the adoption of multilateral normative acts, the provisions of which have proved to be fundamental to the contemporary activities of the international community and non-governmental organizations for the protection of individual human rights.

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Społeczeństwo obywatelskie w Nowej Zelandii według: International Comparative non-profit research programme

  • Author: Konrad Ćwikliński
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 99-107
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201607
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1407.pdf

Civil society in New Zealand. According to the International Comparative non-profit research programme

Basic information about history of shaping civil society institution in New Zealand based on International Comparative non-profit research programme, Center for Civil Society Studies at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. New Zealand during the colonial period was formed by regulating the social, legal and political from the British legislation,and signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, which gave basis for shaping the social and institutional order.

shaping civil society institution the history of society NGO New Zealand civil society

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Zmiany w zarządzaniu granicami Unii Europejskiej wywołane presją migracyjną

  • Author: Marek Ilnicki
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 121-131
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201609
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1409.pdf

Changes in border management by the EU caused by immigration pressure

The European Union, with its economic potential, standard of living of its societies, humanitarian and democratic legal-institutional system, creates very convenient conditions for individual and collective human development. In light of growing conflicts, decline of living standards and epidemiological threats in African and Asian regions close and far from the EU, we are witnessing a growing level of migration towards Europe. The process of immigration, especially to the richest EU countries, is accompanied by many dangers, also of criminal character.One of the forms of reducing the risk of such dangers is effective EU border protection. The aim of the article is to present changes in procedures and border activities implemented as a result of growing threats to EU safety and immigrants themselves.

trans-border crimes border services EU safety przestępczość transgraniczna służby graniczne ochrona granicy bezpieczeństwo Unii Europejskiej border protection imigracja immigration

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Uwarunkowania i konsekwencje migracji zarobkowych z Polski do innych państw Unii Europejskiej w perspektywie społeczno-ekonomicznej

  • Author: Michał Kubiak
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 132-149
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201610
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1410.pdf

Determinants and consequences of migrations from Poland to other European Union Countries in socio-economic view

The subject of this article is the question of the social consequences of economic migration. Migrant workers contribute to growth and development in their countries but in the long term perspective mass migrations of citizens abroad may cause serious social crisis. Migrations are a serious threat to family policy, employment policy and social security of citizens. Migration strategy the state should find a solution which on the one hand will make use of the gains offered by the free movement of persons on the other hand will stop the negative social effects of migration.

migracje zarobkowe labor migration migracje migration

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Szwecja jako przestrzeń napływu migrantów

  • Author: Andrzej Chodubski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 150-162
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201611
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1411.pdf

W opracowaniu wskazuje się, Szwecja od czasu II wojny światowej jest państwem przychylnym napływowi imigrantów. Wypracowano w niej politykę imigracyjną, która ujawnia otwartość na zmiany w rzeczywistości poszerzania się ruchów migracyjnych ludności świata. Ważną przyczyną napływu migrantów do Szwecji było sytuowanie się jej w środowisku międzynarodowym jako „państwa dobrobytu”. W życiu imigracyjnym Szwecji wyraźnie zaznaczyli swą obecność Polacy. W latach 60. i 70. XX w. ujawniła się tam imigracja Polek zwana matrymonialną. Oblicze imigracji w Szwecji zmienia się współcześnie pod wpływem procesów globalizacyjnych generowanych przez postęp naukowo-techniczny, międzynarodowe rozwiązania prawne (prawa człowieka), nowoczesną edukację zorientowaną na budzenie świadomości przemian cywilizacyjnych.

uchodźcy imigracja polityka społeczna przemiany kulturowo-cywilizacyjne Szwecja

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Migracje Polaków do Szwecji po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej w 2004 roku

  • Author: Marek Friedrich
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 163-173
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201612
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1412.pdf

Migrations of Poles to Sweden after the Polish accession to the European Union in 2004

Human migration should be considered as one of the fundamental values of cultural and civilization life, which is creating a new social reality. In the European Union there are different attitudes towards migration: on one hand – professing the principle of free human movement and on the other hand – making restrictions on immigrants. Sweden stands out from other European countries because of friendliness for immigrants. In this country, the migration and integration policy is based on the principles of equality, solidarity, cooperation and consensus. Number of Poles in Sweden is the third largest number of foreigners and it is still increasing, especially after accession of Poland to the European Union. Gainful employment is the main objective of Polish citizens migrating to Sweden. The country is also being selected by young people as a place, where everyone could gain an education, especially higher education. Keywords: international migration, migration policy, integration policy, Sweden multiculturalism, Polish migrants in Sweden

Polish migrants in Sweden Sweden multiculturalism integration policy international migrations migration policy

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Młoda polska emigracja do Holandii

  • Author: Joanna Leska-Ślęzak
  • Author: Jarosław Ślęzak
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 174-182
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201613
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1413.pdf

Young Polish migration to the Netherlands

Life of Polish community abroad is hard to define, due to globalization and another process, which are creating the culture and civilization reality. Polish immigrants in the Netherlands are the representatives of specific migration waves. Young Polish emigration come to the Netherlands thanks to job agencies. Polish immigrants works in agriculture, architecture or they are self-employed. In Dutch people opinion Polish immigrants are considered to be drinkers, bad drivers, people, who don’t speak Dutch. 30% of Dutch society have skeptic view of Polish immigrants. In 2014 28% of European citizens are Polish.

migrations migracje Polonia Holland Holandia emigracja Emigration

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Problemy narodowościowo-religijne Iraku w XXI wieku

  • Author: Rafał Ożarowski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 183-197
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201614
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1414.pdf

Ethnic and Religious Problems of Iraq in XXI Century

Iraq is a specific ethno-religious mosaic. By except Arabs and Kurds there are a lot of minorities which since ancient times were present on this territory. Among them are: Yazidis, Mandaneans, Shabaks, Assyrians, Turkmen and Marsh Arabs. After the collapse of Saddam Husein regime the U.S., British and allied troops began to control Iraq. In the face of such a situation many different radical Muslim groups has evolved and started to fight foreign soldiers. In result, Iraq plunged into instability and chaos and many minorities became a main victims of political and military conflict. Such societies like Yazidis, Mandaneans, Shabaks were persecuted, forced to flee and killed. by now Iraqi state has no any capabilities to protect such minorities which still feel insecure in their own country

Arabs Jazydzi Arabowie Yazidis Irak państwo islamskie Iraq Islamic State Islam

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O podziałach we współczesnej Ukrainie

  • Author: Magdalena Karolak-Michalska
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 242-253
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201617
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1417.pdf

About subdivisions in contemporary Ukraine

The aim of the article is to broaden the discussion on the multi-faceted divisions in Ukraine. Experts of Ukrainian problems are asking, what means „east” and „west” of Ukraine? Author refers to the division of ethnic, linguistic and cultural, in the end is about political divisions in Ukraine. It also indicates that the divisions in Ukrainian society deal with the mutual perception of the Ukrainian and Russian nations. In the final passages concludes that some of the other divisions deepen, making the polarization of Ukraine a serious problem. Analyzing multi-faceted divisions, it concludes that without de-Sovietizing, state „no strikes” with the authoritarian ways of development and make effective modernization.

ethnic divisions and linguistic identity of the Ukrainian kultura rosyjska tożsamość ukraińska podziały etniczne i językowe Russian culture regionalism regionalizm Ukraina Ukraine

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Католическое меньшинство на дону: риски сохранения конфессиональной идентичности

  • Author: Andriej Władimirowicz Biedrik
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 254-268
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201618
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1418.pdf

Socio-cultural reproduction of traditional confessional minorieties (the example of the Catholic community of Rostov region)

The article researches the problem of preserving the identity of the traditional confessional minorities in contemporary Russian society (for example, the Catholic community of Rostov region). Authors analyze the current status of its socio-cultural reproduction. Historically, the Catholic minority was always present in the confessional portrait of the Don region. It is confirmed by the pre-revolutionary census. Soviet period and the policy of state atheism have significantly reduced the demographic set of the Catholic community. Since 1990s. Catholic parishes began to revive. But this process is accompanied by a number of endogenous and exogenous complexities. The category of endogenous risk reproduction of Don Catholic community included a reduction of ethnic groups that traditionally profess Catholicism (Poles, Germans, Lithuanians) in the regional population. At the same time under the influence of migration flows increased presence in the region, Armenian Catholics and Catholics among Ukrainians that strengthens claims of members of the religious community to change the traditional (Latin) rite in favor of the Eastern Christian (Byzantine) rite. At the level of everyday life confessional community play ethnic and racial segregation, impeding the consolidation of the group, its demographic growth due to intramarriages. The growth of the community by neophytes complicated by strict rules incorporating new members, as well as the official rejection of the Roman Catholic Church of proselytism in Russia. Exogenous factors socio-cultural reproduction of religious groups is the difficulty in resolving the legal status of the community, land and property issues in the places of worship, public perception of Catholics among the population and the authorities. Despite the convergence of the official position of the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church on a number of issues, the legal status of the Catholic community in Russia is often marginal. This is due to including with the problems of presence on the territory of the Russian Catholic clergy, mainly consisting of a number of citizens of foreign countries (Poland, Ukraine, and others.). In such circumstances, and taking into account the total secularization of Russian society can predict a further reduction in the Catholic community and the replacement of religious identity of its members, especially among young people.

конфессиональное меньшинство socio-cultural reproduction traditional religions confessional minority catholicism religious identity католицизм

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Проблема грузинской идентичности на пороге XXI века

  • Author: Anna Chudzińska-Parkosadze
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 269-278
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201619
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1419.pdf

The problem of Georgian identity at the threshold of XXI century

At the beginning of XXI century, the issue of the identity occurs as one of the most crucial problems of the contemporary science. In the light of the recent tendency of interdisciplinary and holistic attempt towards inquiring phenomenon, identity found itself in the centre of the interest of many science disciplines such as politic science, social science, philosophy, linguistics, literature studies, cultural anthropology, and so on. Nowadays we live in the world of permanent changes of the global character that concern also the identity, as a collective phenomenon, and an individualistic one. The transformation of the identity is particularly promptly accomplishing in the new democratic countries, such as Georgia. This is a very interesting phenomenon showing the transformation from the soviet model of the national reality to the European one. The situation in Georgia is being especially curious because of the fact that the Georgians are changing their identity from the post soviet citizens to the potential Georgian-European citizens. What’s more, this change does not mean the ignorance of the Georgian tradition. It turns out, that while the Georgians are willing to adapt the politic and economic European model, they are not so open to accept the European cultural patterns.

cultural patterns the European identity the post soviet identity Georgianidentity tradition

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Miasto Kirkenes jako stolica Regionu Barentsa i symbol rosyjsko-norweskiej współpracy transgranicznej

  • Author: Przemysław Sieradzan
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 279-288
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201620
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1420.pdf

Kirkenes city as the capital of Barents Region and a symbol of Russian-Norwegian cooperation

The present paper is dedicated to small multicultural Norwegian city of Kirkenes, which because of its history and geographic location became a symbol of Norwegian- -Russian trans-border cooperation. The text is dedicated to the history of this Arctic city and the beginning, idea and realization of cooperation in Barents Region, which was initiated there in 1993 and the role played by the city in Norway-Russian bilateral relations.

Barents Region Region Barentsa Kirkenes granica border pogranicze Norwegia Rosja Norway Borderland Russia

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Wpływ programów telewizyjnych na kształtowanie się stereotypów

  • Author: Joanna Toszek
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 289-298
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201621
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1421.pdf

The impact of television on shaping stereotypes

Niezliczona liczba informacji docierająca do nas z zewnątrz powoduje, że aby nie zgubić się w informacyjnym gąszczu podejmujemy próbę oceny. Najczęściej przy ocenie pomijamy niektóre (wydawać by się mogło) istotne informacje bądź – z drugiej strony – przypisujemy większą rangę innym, co w konsekwencji tworzy nam prosty ogląd otaczającej nas rzeczywistości. Taki ogląd przyczynia się do rozwoju strategii, którą nazywamy kategoryzacją. Kategoryzowanie rzeczywistości społecznej (poprzez częste powtarzanie i utrwalanie oraz brak głębszej analizy) w dużym stopniu wpływa na powstawanie stereotypowych skojarzeń. W tej sytuacji pomocne mogą być media, które przychodzą z pomocą i utrwalają – albo zmieniają ugruntowany obraz (stereotyp).

rolnik wizerunek wieś telewizja stereotyp internet

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Znaczenie edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa we współczesnym społeczeństwie

  • Author: Kornel Bielawski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 299-307
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201622
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1422.pdf

The importance of security education in modern society

The complexity and dynamics of contemporary world implies its continuous change. It is characterized by the emergencje of entirely new, unprecedented phenomena that should be identified and understood so modern socjety can react to them accordingly. Among the biggest threats many authors mention terrosim and transnational crime. A major challenge is technological advance as well. The aim of education for security is to prepare the society for potential but unknown threats.

społeczeństwo edukacja bezpieczeństwo Education society security

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Rewolucja francuska wobec Kościoła katolickiego w okresie Konwencji (1792–1795)

  • Author: Tadeusz Dmochowski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 308-326
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201623
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1423.pdf

The French Revolution towards the Catholic Church during the National Convention period (1792–1795)

The paper presents and analyzes the attitudes and subsequent legal actions of the French authorities against of the Catholic Church in institutionally separated period of the National Convention (1792–1795).

Cult of Reason Cult of the Supreme Being Supreme Being National Convention kult Rozumu kult Istoty Najwyższej Istota Najwyższa konwencja persecutions of the catholic church Enlightenment deism atheism prześladowania Oświecenie deizm ateizm French Revolution Rewolucja Francuska Kościół katolicki catholic church

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Przyszłość bezpieczeństwa społecznego Unii Europejskiej w globalnej rzeczywistości XXI wieku przez pryzmat megatrendu minimalizacji kosztów pracy i robotyzacji

  • Author: Grzegorz Piwnicki
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 327-344
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201624
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1424.pdf

The future of social security in the European Union in the global realities of the 21st century through the prism of mega-trend to minimise labour and automation costs

In the contemporary global economic reality, many social, cultural and political problems emerge. Most of all, this problem is connected with economic and financial spheres. The paradox of contradictions manifests itself between the objective tendency of globalization and universalization and subjective particularism and egoistic interests of transnational corporations, governments and societies towards solving and eliminating them. The following paper presents these problems from the point of view of the threats posed by megetrend of minimizing the labor costs and its far-reaching future results. The important question of robotization and automatization, which should be coordinated with a vision of a macro-scale social policy, is also mentioned. It is emphasised that such policy may be conducted in the area of European Union, because particular states, includuing Poland, are not able to cope with such challenges.

robotization robotyzacja megatrendy labor bezpieczeństwo społeczne praca megatrends social security globalizacja globalization

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Przywódcy polityczni: Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De – przestrzeń współpracy i rywalizacji

  • Author: Marian Tadeusz Mencel
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 345-377
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201625
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1425.pdf

Political leaders: Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De – cooperation and rivalry

This lecture includes an attempt to answer the question: what the connection of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Zhu De was, and what conditions contributed to the fact that both Zhou Enlai and Zhu De did not share the fate of the political opponents of Mao Zedong, inter alia Liu Shaoqi, Wang Ming, Gao Gang and others. Recognizing the political reality of China of the period from the creation of the CPC to the death of the heroes, the synthetic approach shows their resumes, and an attempt was taken to involve the most important facts to answer the questions, inter alia about civil, war of national liberation, domestic and foreign policy of China implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Communist Party of China and the role of the heroes in shaping the cultural and civilisation order after the declaration of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

leaders of the CPC and the PRC political cooperation and rivalry political changes in the PRC cultural and civilizing reality of the PRC war of national liberation Guomindang civil war Communist Party of China People’s Republic of China

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Karta Dużej Rodziny jako jeden z instrumentów wsparcia rodziny w Polsce

  • Author: Mirosław Bigot
  • Author: Jarosław Ślęzak
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 378-386
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.5604/cip201626
  • PDF: cip/14/cip1426.pdf

Polityka społeczna w Polsce w ramach modelu socjaldemokratycznego ukierunkowana jest na bezpieczeństwo socjalne. Istotnym wyzwaniem dla polskiej polityki społecznej jest podniesienie poziomu dzietności w oparciu o efektywne rozwiązania w polityce rodzinnej. W ramach polityki rodzinnej prowadzone są działania ukierunkowane na zabezpieczenie społeczne poprzez m.in.: świadczenia rodzinne, świadczenia z funduszu alimentacyjnego, świadczenia wychowawcze. Istotnym elementem polityki rodzinnej w Polsce było wprowadzenie w 2014 r. Karty Dużej Rodziny, skierowanej do rodzin wielodzietnych (posiadających minimum trójkę dzieci). Karty Dużej Rodziny jest ogólnopolskim wsparciem (w odróżnieniu od kart samorządowych). W ciągu 2 lat funkcjonowania w systemie polityki społecznej Karta Dużej Rodziny jest honorowana przez 1179 partnerów i jest instrumentem rozwijającym się.

Large Family Card as one of family supports in Poland

Karta Dużej Rodziny polityka socjalna polityka rodzinna polityka społeczna rodzina

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