20. Kongres Komunistycznej Partii Chin – Pekin, 10.2022 r. Kontynuacja czy dyskontynuacja polityki ChRL? Uwagi na marginesie Referatu Sekretarza Generalnego KPCh Xi Jinpinga podczas otwarcia 20. Kongresu KPCh 16.X.2022 r. w Pekinie
- Institution: emeryt. prof. zw. dr hab. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0750-7819
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 45-71
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/CPLS.2024205
- PDF: cpls/10/cpls1005.pdf
20th Congress of the Communist Party of China – Beijing, October 2022. Continuation or discontinuation of PRC policy? Remarks on the sidelines of CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Speech at the Opening of the 20th CCP Congress on 16 October 2022 in Beijing
In foreign policy, the People’s Republic of China continues its course of peaceful independent policy and seeks to integrate numerous developing countries around it, which is particularly served by the Belt and Road Initiative. The guarantee of continuity is the person of Xi Jinping (and the new leadership), concentrating in his hands the highest party, state and military functions, who has been given a mandate to continue to exercise these functions, which will probably be confirmed at the spring session of the National People’s Congress.
- point
PRC Communist Party of China People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping