Dlaczego polska historiografia cierpi na obsesję korony królewskiej pierwszych Piastów? Różnice w postrzeganiu władzy królewskiej i jej funkcji u nowo ochrzczonych Słowian i Skandynawów. Esej
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 58-67
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/hso170304
- PDF: hso/14/hso1404.pdf
- License: This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Why is Polish historiography obsessed with the idea of royal coronations of the first Piast rulers? An essay on differences in the perception of royal power and its function in newly converted West-Slavic Lands and Scandinavia
This paper looks at the ways in which the royal power functioned in newly converted Scandinavia and in the West Slavic Lands. It pinpoints the differences between them and emphasises that contrary to the general understanding, the coronations of the first three Polish kings were not symbols of sovereignty, but dependence on the Holy Roman Empire.
Proč je polská historiografie posedlá královskou korunou prvních Piastovců? Rozdíly ve vnímání královské moci a její funkce u nově pokřtěných Slovanů a Skandinávců. Esej
władza królewska Skandynawowie royal power the Piasts the Scandinavians Piastowie