Współpraca polsko-czeska oraz polskie zainteresowania dziejami Czech i stosunków polsko-czeskich w badaniach okresu średniowiecza u progu XXI wieku

  • Author: Antoni Barciak
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-15
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: hso/1/hso101.pdf
  • License: This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

The Czech-Polish Scientific Cooperation and Polish Interest in Czech Medieval History and Polish-Czech Relations in the Middle Ages at the Beginning of the Twentieth First Century

It was fifteen years ago, when a thirty-year retrospective of Polish and Czech historical and philological research was published. Unfortunately until now we do not have any similar resume for the last decade.The author does not summarize the research works conducted over past ten years, although he focuses on new publications. He rather pays his attention on shared research topics referring to Polish-Czech relations in medieval times. He also defines new research proposals and platforms for scientific co-operation. It is also worth emphasizing that in Poland there is undiminished interest in early medieval Czech history and Polish-Czech relations in that period. Thus we may observe various aspects and forms of cooperation. E.g. there are publishing projects like „Regesty dokumentów przechowywanych na Górnym Śląsku” or „Śląsk perła w Czeskiej Koronie” (Silesia – A Pearl in the Bohemian Crown). Polish and Czech historians meet each other during conferences organized by Komisja Dziejów Czech i Stosunków Polsko-Czeskich PAN (Commision of Czech History and Polish-Czech Relations/ Polish Academy of Sciences). They also attend conferences in Gnesno (every two years it takes form of Polish-Czech Young Medievists Forum) and Zabrze (conference cycle: „Central European Culture”). An interesting platform for cooperation might be recently founded Polish-Czech Scientific Society. Czech history and history of Polish-Czech relations gradually becomes a part of university teaching programmes and is represented in research programmes of scientific institutions. It all resulted in growing number of scientific publications.

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