Dobrze czy źle? Stan badań nad dziejami stosunków czesko-polskich w XIX wieku

  • Author: Roman Baron
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 149-163
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: hso/1/hso108.pdf
  • License: This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Good enough? Polish-Czech Relations in the Nineteenth Century – the State of Research

The meeting of Polish, Czech and Slovakian historians in Cracow is an important step in executing the agreement in establishing their trilateral coope- ration. The agreement was signed in 2009 by the presidents of Polish Historical Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne) and Association of Historians of the Czech Republic (Sdružení historiků České republiky) (Historický klub 1872). The cycle of conferences that take place in Poland and Czech Republic alternately opens and provides a new forum for vivid scientific cooperation and exchange between Polish, Czech and Slovakian historians. Indeed, the title of the conference, An Opening Balance, is meaningful. The Po- lish-Czech Commission of Historical Sciences was cancelled a few years ago. Thus the new meeting cycle that provides frameworks for dialogue and coope- ration is particularly challenging and interesting for the researchers working on the nineteenth century history. The state of research on Polish-Czech relations in the above mentioned period was reviewed in several papers by Vladislav Šťastný, Jaroslav Horejsek, Jaroslav Valenta, Janusz Gruchała, Jerzy Kozeński, Andrzej Essen, Piotr Maciej Majewski, Grażyna Pańko and Roman Baron. Decreasing scientific interest of Polish and Czech historiography in bilateral relations in the nineteenth century was depicted in the papers presented during the ninth Convention of Czech Historians (Pardubice 2006) and the First Congress for Foreign Scholars of Polish History (Cracow 2007). Also the content of Czech lexicon by Jaroslav Pánek, Svatava Raková and Václava Horčáková entitled Scholars of Bohemian, Czech and Czechoslovak History Studies, vol. I-III, Prague 2005 shows that the above mentioned issues are underrepresented. Among Polish historians i.e. Stanisław Pijaj, Waldemar Łazuga, Witold Molik and Maciej Górny are working on the nineteenth century Polish-Czech relations. The situations seems to be better in Czech Republic, where also monographs presenting Polish lands during the partitions are being published. Research works of Miloš Řezník, Jiří Vykoukal and Jan Křen deserve special attention. Among research proposals we may list following issues: relations between the Czech lands and Great Poland, Little Poland or Galicia within the framework of Habsburg Monarchy, relations between Warsaw positivist and Czech intellectual circles, Czech-Polish relations in the region of Teschen Silesia, Polish-Czech scientific contacts and so on. Facing all the above mentioned problems we should not expect a modern synthesis of Polish-Czech relations in the nineteenth century to be published in the near future.

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