Gospodarka, polityka a tożsamości: Galicja i Monarchia Habsburska w długim XIX wieku na tle debaty historiograficznej o imperium, narodzie i regionie

  • Author: Klemens Kaps
  • Institution: Johannes Kepler Universität
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 127-156
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/hso190306
  • PDF: hso/22/hso2206.pdf
  • License: This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Economy, politics and identity: Galicia and the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th century in the light of a historiographical debate on the empire, nation and region

This article takes a fresh look on the status of Galicia within the Habsburg Monarchy between the late 18th and the early 20th century, presenting the obstacles and opportunities of economic growth faced by imperial policy-makers. At the same time, an analysis is presented of the impact of the imperial experience on the process of forging national identities. The emphasis has been placed on how the increasing national fragmentation in a multi-cultural region affected economic prosperity.

Hospodářství, politika a identita: Halič a Habsburská monarchie v dlouhém 19. století na pozadí historiografické debaty o impériu, národě a regionu


Empire history national identities transregional division of labour Habsburg Monarchy historia imperialna tożsamości narodowe ponadregionalny podział pracy Monarchia habsburska Galicja rozwój gospodarczy economic development Galicia

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