„O porządku w naukach i sposobie wychowania” – Konsyderacyje dla Janusza Radziwiłła z roku 1622
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4075-3002
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 44-63
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/hso200103
- PDF: hso/24/hso2403.pdf
- License: This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
“On the order in science and the way of upbringing” – „Considerations” for Janusz Radziwiłł from 1622
Krzysztof Radziwiłł’s instructions on education include an indication that his son, the prince, should not go to a school abroad but rather study at home. When got older he would acquire basic knowledge and would be ready to leave. The source contains considerations on how to organize teaching, the curriculum and where to recruit the teachers.
„O pořádku vědění a způsobu vychování” – „Konsiderace” pro Janusze Radziwiłła z roku 1622
instrukcje wychowawcze edukacja szlachty rodzina Radziwiłłów podróże edukacyjne educational instruction nobility’s education Radziwiłł family educational travels