O szesnastowiecznym wizerunku Bolesława Chrobrego autorstwa Tomasza Tretera i wczesnym wyglądzie grobowca tego władcy w poznańskiej katedrze
- Institution: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9767-8154
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 27-53
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/hso200302
- PDF: hso/26/hso2602.pdf
- License: This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Bolesław I the Brave and his image created by Tomasz Treter in the 16th century, the early appearance of the king’s tomb in the Poznań cathedral
The article is dedicated to an attempt at reconstructing the early appearance of the tomb of king Bolesław I the Brave in the Poznań cathedral, destroyed in 1790. By referring to the discussion of the tomb’s founder and the changes in its shape, the author has focused on K. Stronczyński’s theory from 1887 that the chalcography by A. Mylius (1595) consolidated the early portrait of the king’s statue. The scholar was of an opinion that king Bolesław’s sculpture was modelled by the tomb of duke Henry II the Pious. The original of the portrait was created by Tomasz Treter, an artist born in Poznań who could have captured the state of the king’s statue around 1585 (a variant of the portrait was provided by S. Sarnicki in 1594).
O podobizně Boleslava Chrabrého ze 16. století autorství Tomasze Tretera a raném vzhledu hrobky tohoto vládce v poznaňské katedrále
grobowiec Bolesława Chrobrego katedra poznańska Złota Kaplica średniowieczna rzeźba kamienna grobowiec Henryka Pobożnego cesarz Karol IV Bolesław I the Brave’s tomb Tomasz Treter the Poznań cathedral the Golden Chapel medieval stone sculptures Henry II the Pious’ tomb emperor Charles IV Petr Perler