- Author:
Ewa Borowińska
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Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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Polish exile in Belarus in the light of publications in “Dziennik Miński” (1917–1918)
“Dziennik Miński” was published between 1917 and 1918 in what is now Belarus. The newspaper was targeted at Poles living there for generations, as well as at refugees who came to the city as a result of enforced migration in the summer of 1915. The newspaper was a source of information about military developments on the fronts of the First World War. What is more, it provided news about politics, social and cultural lives, as well as the refugees and their lives away from home. The newspaper also provides research material concerning the relations between the refugees and the locals of Polish origin. Information was also available on the problems faced by the refugees on a regular basis and the operations of help organizations like Centralny Komitet Obywatelski (Central Civil Committee) or Polskie Towarzystwo Pomocy Ofiarom Wojny (Polish Society for Assisting War Casualties).
Polské uprchlictví v běloruských zemích na stránkách novin „Dziennik Miński” (1917–1918)
Poles in Belarus
the press
„Dziennik Miński”
Polacy na Białorusi
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