E-learning 2.0 per apprendere e insegnare l’italiano l2: i social network, facebook e le tecniche didattiche

  • Author: Emanuela Cotroneo
  • Institution: Università degli Studi di Genova
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 37-57
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/IW.2013.04.03
  • PDF: iw/04/iw403.pdf

E-learning 2.0 to learn and teach Italian as a second language: social network, Facebook and language activities

Nowadays it would not be possible to plan an Italian language and culture class without considering the opportunity to use ICT. After the evolution from web to web 2.0 and from e-learning to e-learning 2.0, teachers approached a new concept of learning and teaching online. Web 2.0 tools, the social networks in particular, are considered a valuable resource for communicating, interacting and sharing linguistic and cultural contents, in formal and informal learning. Facebook, the most famous social network, becomes a virtual learning environment for students of Italian as a Second Language where posts, images, links and videos can be shared and used as L2 input. The Facebook page Lingua Italiana Per Stranieri (progetto LIPS), that we described it in this article, represents an example of a didactic use of this famous social network.

e-learning 2.0 informal learning Italian web 2.0 Facebook social network

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