Zaawansowane szkolenia dla wolontariuszy : formy, cele, problemy. Teoretyczne i praktyczne implikacje dla normatywnej idei wolontariatu
- Institution: Freie Universität Berlin, Niemcy
- Institution: Freie Universität Berlin, Niemcy
- Year of publication: 2014
- Source: Show
- Pages: 192-213
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/101/kie10111.pdf
Advanced Training for Volunteers: Forms, Goals, and Problems. Theoretical and Practical Implications for the Normative Idea of Voluntary Service
Social participation of citizens in the form of volunteering is an important part of the normative idea of civil society. With the development of volunteering and its systematic support from the government, as well from European institutions, we can observe an increasing number of trainings for volunteers. The purpose of most of these trainings, in addition to the promotion of volunteering, is to reduce the cost of participation by increasing the resources of the course participants needed to implement projects. However, from a theoretical point of view, we can assume that there is social selectivity in such trainings which results from inequalities in the social system. In particular, in the educational systems and unequal access to the structures of mobilization. Based on the data gathered during the evaluation (pre- and post-test) of training for young volunteers in Switzerland (treib.stoff Academy), we tested the hypotheses about unequal access to trainings, egoistic motivation to participate, and social selectivity of gains in skills and knowledge. The results showed i.e. that informal recruitment has a positive impact on access of trainees with a migrant background. In addition, we discussed the practical implications of the issues outlined in the normative idea of volunteering.
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