Failures of Crystallization: On the Possibility of Existence of the Methodology of the History of Education
- Institution: University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 79-97
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/128/kie12805.pdf
The starting point for this paper is a general interest in the faint presence of methodologically oriented analyses within the history of education. The methodology of history of education is a rare term on the map of scientific categories (likewise the theory of history of education). One can multiply reasons for such situation, pointing institutional deficiencies of science or stressing the fact that this term is for some researchers unwelcome and should be criticized. Although such statements are worth tackling, the present considerations focus on different research trail, being an analysis of obstacles for crystallization of the methodology reflection within history of education. These are, e.g., the lack of paradigmatic clarity and also definitional instability of contemporary methodology of history as such. Nevertheless, one should not treat this situation as disadvantage, rather as a need of different historical imagination. Responses to this need should be developed and potential contexts of such historical imagination are presented in the final part of this paper.
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history of education methodology of history of education methodology of history