Opportunities of Usage: Reflection on Subject and Space in Psychotherapy
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 89-101
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2016.04.06
- PDF: kie/114/kie11406.pdf
The article presents an interdisciplinary analysis of possible object’s usage in psychotherapy of adults. It is also focused on the meaning of the area where psychotherapy takes place. The text presents multidimensional view on psychotherapy, which is understood not just as psychological but also sociocultural phenomenon. The article indicates also a “turn toward the thing” in contemporary humanistic and social studies. Material base of psychotherapy is very important in establishing (crucial for positive impact of psychotherapy) good enough therapeutic relation. Theoretical reflections which bind cultural studies and psychological perspective are crowned by case study of family therapy in which objects and place of therapy were important elements of therapeutic process.
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object psychotherapy therapeutic relation therapy in patient’s house