Study of the Socio-psychological and Cultural Adaptation of Migrant Children: Analysis of an Account in a Social Network

  • Author: Roza Valeeva
  • Institution: Kazan Federal University
  • Author: Venera Zakirova
  • Institution: Kazan Federal University
  • Author: Leysan Kayumova
  • Institution: Kazan Federal University
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 127-140
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/124/kie12408.pdf

Child migrants are one of the risk factors of the modern education system in Russia. In addition to the potential problems associated with the cultural differences between the indigenous population and migrants, there is also the problem of “closed” migrants. Often migrants and their families, including secondand third-generation migrants, form isolated communities within which the adaptation and socialization of new migrants and the generation of youth takes place. On the one hand, these groups play the role of “softadaptation”, when migrants and their children are offered the tested models of behavior in the new conditions of life. On the other hand, not all the models proposed by the group can be acceptable by the traditions of the indigenous population, and sometimes they are opposed to the culture and traditions of the host country. Moreover, the views accepted in the group can cause morbid socialization of migrants. Under these conditions, the school has a task of preventing the negative impact of the isolated national groups on the younger generation. The purpose of the study is to analyze the account of migrant children in social networks in order to identify signs of socio-psychological and cultural adaptation, to determine the influence of national groups and communities in social networks on the formation of a person’s personality. The paper covers the reactions of children to publications on the topic of interethnic communication. It also includes recommendations to teachers on the definition of exposure to the influence of groups and communities in the social networks of migrant children.


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social networks migrant children migrants’ adaptation recruitment social activity

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