Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-4
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: kim/2017_2/kim20172toc.pdf
The impact of the development of Internet technology on the social life. Real space vs Cyberspace
This article touches the subject of the Internet as a medium based on contrasts and reproducting oppositions. Dualisms are shown in terms of social space, communication, interpersonal relationships and identity. The two worlds are put in contrast: the real world and the virtual one, and the issues and the relations between them are pointed out. The article also describes the impact of Internet technology on communication. It types for the traditional communication and the Internet communication and points to the fundamental aspect of differentiating between them from the way the message is communicated. The paper also highlights the issue of interpersonal relations and the transformations they have undergone after the spread of the Internet. Relationships are classified as offline and online. Both types are described, and the way they are intertwined in social life. Both positive and negative characteristics of online relationships are indicated. The last issue addressed in the article is the identity gap. It is shown from the real and virtual world perspective.
E-learning formula in higher education
In the first part of the article, e-learning definitions were characterized, and a short historical outline of e-learning in Poland was also presented. The following sections show the forms that are used in e-learning teaching. The disadvantages and advantages of teaching in the e-learning formula were further illustrated. Author presented the research on students’ opinions in e-learning education. At the end of the article, the aspect of implementing an e-learning form for traditional teaching has been discussed as an effective method of acquiring knowledge.
Internet, media społecznościowe, atrakcyjność przekazu i udział w wyborach – zależności i prognozy na przyszłość
Coraz bardziej powszechny dostęp do internetu wpłynął na rozwój nowych form komunikowania i – jak by się mogło wydawać – doprowadził do sytuacji, w której znalezienie pożądanych informacji nie wymaga skomplikowanych zabiegów. Zgodnie z teorią gratyfikacji korzystanie z mediów daje odbiorcom korzyści. Zaspakaja potrzeby, przy czym odbiorcy nowych mediów deklarują, że jedną z takich potrzeb jest uczestniczenie w życiu społeczno-politycznym. A że trudno o bardziej konkretny przejaw owego uczestnictwa niż oddawanie głosu w wyborach, to celem opracowania jest dociekanie, czy korzystanie z internetu przekłada się w sposób dodatni na partycypację wyborczą. Czy w państwach, w których szczególnie młodzi ludzie deklarują, że internet jest dobrym miejscem do wykazywania swojej aktywności społeczno-politycznej, wyrażania poglądów i aktywizowania się, rzeczywiście widoczny jest wzrost partycypacji wyborczej? Wyniki analizy, która może się stać przyczynkiem do dalszych badań, dowodzą, że państwa europejskie generalnie przeżywają spadek zainteresowania obywateli udziałem w głosowaniu do organów przedstawicielskich, jakimi są parlamenty państw. Wartością podstawową niniejszego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na fakt, że dostęp i dywersyfikowanie przekazywanych społeczeństwu komunikatów i dbanie o ich atrakcyjną formę, bo to umożliwiają nowe media, nie przekłada się na wzrost zainteresowania działaniem w sferze politycznej. Być może działania państw powinny być dwutorowe i obejmować edukowanie społeczeństwa w zakresie praw i obowiązków obywateli oraz wzbogacanie wiedzy decydentów politycznych na temat zasad komunikowania politycznego przy wykorzystaniu możliwości, jakie dają nowe media.
aktywność społeczno-polityczna teoria gratyfikacji partycypacja wyborcza nowe media internet
Teacher competences and competences in teaching media education
Media education is a relatively new field of knowledge in Poland. Continuous research into the meaning and role of media education is ongoing. The media has a great impact on society, as well as its youngest members: children and adolescents. In particular, the didactic and educational process of which they are participants. In order to clarify how media education should be implemented, the importance of media education for the didactic process has been taken into account in this paper, taking into account the role of the educational environment as a family and discussing the competences and problems of teachers implementing media education in school settings. One of the main elements was discussing the difficulties encountered in the work of a teacher who often did not have the necessary academic or didactic preparation to carry out media education in a variety of subjects. As a result, the quality and level of competency acquired by students is much lower than in countries such as Finland or the United Kingdom, where examples of good practice in developing skills not only of pupils but also of educators.
Examples of soft ware available as a service for teachers and lecturers
In the following article, the author provides and overview of soft ware available to be used by teachers and lecturers in their work. Also presented are external factors worth considering in choosing tools to be used in academic settings.
Trust in media and trust in media organizations
Trust in media in the light of the research results is extremely important. Trust is difficult to clearly define, but it’s easy to measure the effects of its activities in media organizations. Building trust in media organization is a long-term process and it’s fragile, needs just a moment to lose it. However, it is a viable because of a lot of benefits of trust. Good reputation and knowledge sharing are examples of the practical benefits of a high level of trust management in media organization. The trust is becoming the economic capital in the new economy that is emerging in the era of transparency. New media, virtual reality and the real world are gradually converging. Trust and transparency will never replace our privacy, so a kind of dichotomy arises here.
Funerary culture in cyberspace. What virtual cemeteries and social media have in common?
The development of intermedia has moved various cultural acts into cyberspace. In the digital world, flattened by the screens of electronic devices, previously known phenomena take a new form, which is forced by the limitations of the medium. Virtual cemeteries are online memorial sites, where users can communicate with each other and present their deceased loved ones, and also create e-tombstones of famous people. Digital cemeteries allow the individualization at the reception. In the article analogies between e-cemeteries and social networking sites are presented. Simultaneously, given the immense popularity of the latter, this work is an attempt to answer the question of whether virtual cemeteries draw from the experience of social media.
soci al networking sites virtual cemetery cemetery communication
Modern journalist: warm sensitive person or agressive hyena?
This question is not only asked by media viewers about the moral condition of people of media. This is also a matter of the direction chosen by editorial offices. Who is a modern journalist and who he should be?
The report reveals the problem of the creative activity. The gained experience of the solution of the problem has been studied. The effective ways of solving the problem have been proposed. But the inner source of the creative activity is the interest in new knowledge. And an interest is the main motive and acts as the driving force of the learning process. Without the interest to knowledge it is difficult to teach. The solution of this question is the creative activity. The article describes the experience of higher educational institutions of Ukraine аnd Poland, which prepared and have been carrying out training of specialists of fine arts.
learning process teaching experience Fine Arts students creative activity interest
The current trends in cognitive science
The aim of this article is to present the leading trends in cognitive science, which have the status of a broadly understood paradigm. These are functionalism, connectionism and enactivism. As different paradigms they are distinctive at least in a separate methodology, as well as in the theories underlying them. The purpose of the article is not only their characteristics, but also the critical analysis of differences and similarities between them.
functionalism connectionism e-theories computation representationalism antirepresentationalism
Audience of the media and elicitation potencial of Internet
The article discusses a problem about audience of old and new media. At the beginning of text author mentions each epoch in the history of human thought, ending its consideration of the time of post-post modernism, in which an integral part of human life is, in her opinion, the computer. Then goes on to present two different trends recognizing the public media. One associated with the hypothesis of the spiral of silence by Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann and the other based on a spiral barking and clamor proposed by Stanislaw Ignacy Fiut. In the next part of the work takes the issue of ways to receive media information and identifies specific concepts of audience. A key part of the article is the section on public opinion of old and new media, in which the author shows both the differences and similarities that occur between users different media types.
Vaporwave. Capitalism remixed
The article provides an overview of the vaporwave as musical and visual trend, in particular its origins and its varied interpretations. This phenomenon is discussed as a manifestation of remix culture, hauntology, critique of capitalism and internet meme.
The role of the media in the museum education of persons with disabilities
Educational function is one of the essential functions of museums. New media allow to create an interactive and engaging exhibitions, which help museum education to use the latest educational trends that are geared towards self-development of the recipient. Thanks to modern technologies persons with disabilities can participate like never before in educational museum programs. In this article I present a report on the research on facilities for the disabled in Cracow museums. I am also presenting the latest media technologies that will make the museum’s offer more attractive to all audiences and allow persons with disabilities to participate in the process of meeting and experiencing the exhibition.
new media museum education facilities for persons with disabilities
Media education for journalists: the YouTube platform perspective
Fields of study such as Journalism and Social Communication or Media Production require the use of specific learning methods in the spirit of progressive media convergence. Teaching focused on the practical aspects of using multimedia materials, e-learning platforms, social networking sites, web applications is becoming a very important aspect of academic education within the aforementioned fields of study. Using such tools enables students to gain employment in accordance with their specialization or field of study. One of the platforms that can be used for media education is the YouTube portal that uses multimedia content in the spirit of Web 2.0.
YouTube platform cyberspace journalist web 2.0 media education for journalists journalism
Planning and implementation of media coverage in didactic practice
The aim of the article is to present the course of optional classes in the field of media planning and delivery, held at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, in the field of public relations and media advisory services in the academic year 2016/2017. This description is intended to familiarize the readers with one of the ways of conducting practical activities on a particular example.
Journalism Workshops. Student Monitoring of Media
Media have become a part of our everyday life over the last years; we use them at work, at school and while taking a rest. Therefore, efforts have been undertaken to provide media education to school students and, what seems to be more effective, to university students. University level education in the field of social sciences have required new methods and tools. The analysis covers the journalism workshops which the author has conducted for 15 years as an academic course for the UAM Polish scholars (journalistic specialisation). Didactic issues and a faculty-based EU project are presented against the background of on-going changes, the Bologna system introduction and the importance of practical preparation based on practical trainings and apprenticeships. However, regardless of the new tools and work methods being required, the proven tasks include the formal and informal monitoring of media. As part of individual projects, students check the contents of newspapers, weekly magazines, radio and television broadcasts. The monitoring projects which have been completed guarantee good preparation for professional trainings and work at editorial staff offices.
media journalism workshop media eduaction student monitoring of media
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