Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-4
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: kim/2019_1/kim2019101.pdf
Using of new media in academic education
The dynamics of social change also forces changes in education. New media play a very important role in the education process. Nowadays, didacticians are more and more willing to use didactic means served to them by the development of modern technologies. This form of conducting classes is making classes more attractive and activating students. In this article, PhD students indicate which applications and e-learning platforms use during conducting classes and describe what is important for the effectiveness of the teaching process. The article present’s research among a group of PhD students. Selected electronic aids selected by PhD students have been characterized. The author pays attention to on need to improve digital literacy among academic educators and the need to adapt academic education, which would be a response to the needs of a digital student.
new media internet academic education educational applications
Design thinking - a chance for innovation in higher education institutions
Design thinking as a way of reasoning is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Originated in business and transferred to other areas, it is now being implemented even in education and science. With its four or five steps in the whole process, interdisciplinary teams can solve every problem and find a solution which meets the needs and expectations of the end-users. This approach has also been successfully implemented in higher education institutions and it is through that HEIs are becoming more open and efficient in their cooperation with business, public administration, NGOs and other stakeholders.
Design Thinking interdisciplinarity creativity higher education teamwork innovation
Profession - social media manager - competences and action
Recently, social media are recognized as an integral part of human functioning. Taking into account a wide range of contacts and connections they include, one can observe they fulfill not only social but also professional and consumer functions. The popularization of media culture, technological paradigm and the character of informational society strongly influence every domain that covers human functioning. With no doubt, not only the way of communicating and leisure had changed but also labour market. Technological innovations somehow enforced the development of new professions, which until recently did not even have specific names. Social media manager as an occupation is relatively new but it has been gaining in popularity at a quick pace. The prominent role of the profession being discussed is recognized in business and marketing as well as in the public sector. A person responsible for managing social media must possess a wide variety of competencies crucial for making effective operations but also managing with sales rates and representing a proper corporate image.
internet marketing web marketing social media social media manager
Leading UNESCO activities in the field of lifelong learning.
Contemporary society is looking for solutions that will respond to the challenges and requirements of civilization. With the development of new technologies and the Internet it is necessary to acquire appropriate competences to be able to navigate the network and virtual world. The article presents selected activities of the international organization of UNESCO in the field of lifelong learning and media education. UNESCO has a rich tradition of reflections and actions for continuing education and media education. The subject of lifelong learning education appeared in the first years of the organization’s activity and continues to be one of the main challenges it faces. Education of the 21st century needs constant modifications that will be improved along with technological development. In the article, the Conferences in Montreal and Nairobi were compared, the views of J. Kidd and P. Lengrand, the Faure report and the Delaros report.
Teamwork in a large student group as an element of shaping competence. Good practices
Teamwork in a large student group as an element of shaping competence. Good practices The competences of many job candidates differ largely from the needs of employers in the labor market-a reality which is currently a significant problem also in Poland. Soft skills, as they are dubbed, are essential for effective interaction and communication in interpersonal relationships and are considered competences of the future. In shaping them the participation of academic teachers plays a special role. The author, being a practitioner, noticed the permanence of the problem in the area of shaping students’ skills in communication and teamwork. During more than a decade of work with students at state and private universities, first-cycle and second-cycle studies, full-time and part-time, the author has developed a comprehensive approach to teamwork guidelines in classes, in a large group (approximately 30 people) within the sphere of interpersonal communication. It worked well in the journalism and media logistics classes supervised by the author. This approach that can be described as good practices has a twofold value: advantage for students when used in university classes and usefulness in work as these competences are valued by the employers. The development of important tenets of team work in a practical group in the context of social competences is presented in tables and indicating typical problems – also in particular time perspectives: at the stage of preparing for classes, in the course of the first and subsequent classes (with the separation of the last ones). It can be 60 Izabela M. Bogdanowicz used as a framework guide, enabling interested academic teachers to prepare their own materials conducive to shaping the competencies desired on the labor market.
communication competence good practices needs of employers teamwork
The phenomenon of hate in public discourse
The article undertakes hate issue in public discourse, mainly in the Internet-a negative phenomenon that has become a serious social problem in last few years and which infracts all moral and legal norms. Article brings up question of freedom of speech or anonymity in the Internet. It’s starting point is attempt to define the term of ‘hate’ (including other terms associated with it) and point out the causes of hate. The article presents examples of people who have become victims of hate-including well-known journalists, celebrities but also ordinary people who are not public figures. The article discusses the problem of using Internet hate for political and propaganda purposes; e ven the existence of ‘Internet industry of hate’. Afterwards, it points out the examples of counteracting this issue. Discusses the huge role and necessity of education from an early age and the need for changes in Polish law and legislation. The article also describes examples of specific social campaigns organized by foundations and associations which are fighting against hate in the Web, as well as in public space. The scientific method that is used in the article is mainly the analysis of the content.
Suicidal prevention in Poland and Japan. Analysis on the example campaign “Look… I disappearing”, “Sleep Campaign” - “Dad, how did you sleep?”
Japan appears as a distant, modern and highly developed country, as compared to Poland is an economic power. These countries divide ten thousand kilometers, the Land of the Rising Sun is the only place in the world where you can interact with unique culture and modern technology. However, despite the many differences associated with the functioning of both countries, they share many common components, for example those that relate to health care. The suicide problem occurs both in Japan and Poland. There is no single cause of suicide, which is why prevention, protection of the health and lives of citizens is so important. The article includes preventive programs and social campaigns on the example of each state. Social campaign of the Foundation “Zobacz… Jestem”-“Look.. I disappearing” and Campaign Otōsan, genkidesuka? (お父さん、元気ですか) called Sleep Campaing – “Dad, how did you sleep?”, which is implemented in Japan.
The Polish Loan-Words in the Russian Literary Language (XIX–XX Centuries)
The article presents some loan-word of the polish origins in the Russian literary language. Significant number of words adopted from Polish language along history of the Russian language essentially enriched it`s lexical fund. This article aims to reveal the polish in the Russian literary language of the XIX-XX centuries and to analyze the semantic adaptation loan-words loaned by the Russian literary language from Polish.
The article is dedicated to the problem of parallel learning of intercultural communication and tolerance in the Russian lessons as a foreign language. In this regard, the specifics pecularites on the realization of this work, the difficulties of linguocultural characters and identifies the implementation ways of these activities.
standards of behavior efficiency of communication tolerance consensus-building intolerance verbal speech
Artificial intelligence and default theories
Formal logic has been an important part of development of artificial intelligence (AI) research for almost sixty years, but its role has always been controversial. In the article an overview of the role of logic in artificial intelligence has been presented. The article showed mainly two possible applications of logic in AI: as a knowledge representation formalism and method of reasoning, and as a tool in computer science. The paper analyzed each of these and also investigated both the problems as well as the perspectives for the successful application of logic.
knowledge representation nonomonotonic logic artificial intelligence default logic default theories
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