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Postponement of Trial in Connection with the Application of Criminal Procedural Measures

  • Author: Taras Senyk
  • Institution: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • ORCID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-6513-2536
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 78-95
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ksm20200306
  • PDF: ksm/27/ksm2706.pdf

The article analyzes the concepts of «coercion», «measures of criminal procedural coercion», «measures to ensure criminal proceedings» and their relationship. The measures of procedural coercion, which the court can most often apply to the participants in court proceedings in a criminal case, as well as the procedure for postponing the trial in connection with their (measures of procedural coercion) are studied. Proposals for improving the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine in this direction have been formulated. Measures of criminalprocedural coercion are procedural means of state-legal coercion defined by the criminal-procedural law, applied by the authorized bodies conducting criminal proceedings, in the order clearly defined by the law concerning persons, for the purpose of achievement of efficiency of criminal proceedings. The concept of “measures to ensure criminal proceedings” in its own right the content and scope do not cover the category of precautionary measures and other mea sures procedural coercion. In our opinion, the concept of «criminal measures procedural coercion “and” measures to ensure criminal proceedings «are not identical: under the current CPC of Ukraine measures procedural coercion is a component of criminal security measures proceedings, and, consequently, to some extent, a narrower concept. They are correlated between themselves as a whole and part. However, before proceeding to the analysis of each of the measures of coercion we have identified, let us pay attention to the important procedural provisions that the judge is obliged to remember when applying this or that measure. The court may impose measures of procedural coercion on the person, which in turn will postpone the trial.


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adjournment of court proceedings adjournment of court proceedings in criminal proceedings participants in court proceedings measures to ensure criminal proceedings measures of criminal procedural coercion coercion

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