Problems of Consistency of Regulatory and Legal Acts on Regulation of the Health Care System of Ukraine with the Principles of Bioethics
- Institution: Independent Researcher
- Institution: Lviv National Medical University
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 47-70
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/25/ksm2504.pdf
The demographic situation in Ukraine makes public authorities think about the problem of the value and dignity of human life.
The task of bioethics is to raise ethical and moral requirements to a higher level, including the spiritual level of health care workers, and to harmonize the existing health legislation with its principles.
The proposed article is an attempt to eliminate the gap in the regulatory improvement of the health care system on the values and principles of bioethics.
Many definitions used by Ukrainian law are contingent, imperfect, and contradictory to bioethics.
The purpose of the publication is to provide a scientific and theoretical substantiation of the necessity of normative and legal improvement of the health care system on values and principles of bioethics, which will serve the interests of a person, his/her dignity and unique value.
The absence of consistency in the legislation gives rise to the pluralism of interpretations about the beginning of a person’s life, which is a significant drawback in the legal field since this point concerns the inherent human right to life. The basis of inadmissibility of discrimination in the name of the equal dignity of all human beings may concern all periods of human existence from the moment of fertilization to natural death, covering special stages: initial, suffering and dying.
Public administration bodies need to involve social institutions represented by reputable bioethics experts, scientists, doctors, public activists, with the help of which the regulatory support for health care reform will be safe and beneficial for the whole society.
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value and dignity of human life an inherent human right to life principles of bioethics the Constitution of Ukraine the Basics of Ukrainian legislation of health care regulatory support reform of the health care system public administration