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Geneza samorządu terytorialnego

  • Author: Stanisław Sorys
  • Year of publication: 2009
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 103-114
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200906
  • PDF: ksm/13/ksm200906.pdf

The genesis of the local government

The article of Stanisław Sorys makes the synthesis of processes, events which bore on the formation of the model of the local government. Genesises of the local government one ought to suspect in Great French Revolution which exerted the incredible influence on further fates of the present world. Great French Revolution gave foundations of the risings of democratic states, as and systems of the administration, where all citizens have their own rights: political rights, economic laws and cultural rights. It caused great changes in all areas of the social life, while after many victories on fields of fights, seized Europe. The decisive meaning for the rising of the social self-government in Europe and in the world, had the fall of the feudal state, and together with him an abolition of the state state. Begun reforms were finished by Napoleon. However he changed the rule of the kelter of selfgovernments, creating it as representations of the government in the field. Also the Catholic Church, after events of French Revolution, began works over the social learning of the Church in the context of social matters. Already during the pontificate of Leona XIII arose first encyclicals concerning creatures of the man, his rights and duties. Encyclicals of following popes: Jan XXIII, Paweł VI, Jan Paweł II – more exhaustively analysed the creature of the man and the range of his rights to the worthy life in the society.

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  • Panewko J., Geneza i podstawy samorządu europejskiego, Paryż 1926.

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