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Kapitał społeczny młodych mieszkańców gminy Michałowice w woj. małopolskim

  • Author: Magdalena Kowalska
  • Author: Marek Gaworucha
  • Year of publication: 2009
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 206-214
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200912
  • PDF: ksm/13/ksm200912.pdf

This article concerns rural young people from Michalowice Disticrt in Malopolska Voivodeship. It is the attempt of decision about social capital which they have. The young people from this region are able to realize their cultural ambitions in some of functioning musical groups, dancing groups and theatre groups. These people can take part in different events, which are organized in the district, too. Among them there are: historic event: “Liberty Picnic”, bicycle marathon “The Border of Two Annexations” and sport and tradition events such as harvest festival and “Potato Picnic”. It seems, that young inhabitants in Michałowice who want to realize themselves on social – cultural platform have many interesting proposals to choose. What is important they often benefit from them.

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