Wyciąg z referatu Dyrektora Departamentu Obrotu Pieniężnego wygłoszonego dn. 9.8.1945 na konferencji kierowników instytucji kredytowych
- Year of publication: 2008
- Source: Show
- Pages: 385-397
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200820
- PDF: ksm/12/ksm200820.pdf
National Polish Bank commonly with State Ministry made and presented to realization credit programme for polish economy in summer 1945. Its most essential points were presented 9th of august 1945 during conference of credit institutions’ directors. Presented document is a note made during this conference and hasn’t been published, yet. It has been found during preliminary research of Cracow Departament of National Bank of Agriculture keeping in National Archive in Cracow (sygn. 29/620/80). It includes information abort: main tasks of credit, form sof credit and delimination of credit competence among individual credit institutions