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Rozwój rustykalny Karpat Polskich (od czasów wczesnego osadnictwa do czasów zbójectwa)

  • Author: Wiesław Musiał
  • Year of publication: 2006
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 209-220
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200612
  • PDF: ksm/10/ksm200612.pdf

Rustic development of the Polish Carpathians (from the early settlement until brigandage times)

The course of settlement and agricultural management processes in the Carpathian Mountains, inhabited mainly by Polish population, was analysed in the article. The history of settlement and pasturing dates back to the 9th century, although the origins of agronomic activities may be traced back to the beginning of the 4th century. Settlement is connected with location of bigger or smaller towns, whose population took part in stormy transformations brought about by wars and the following social and political movements. Growing settlement density and development of feudal production relationships instigated development of farming but at the same time led to growing social problems and conflicts. Resistance of the serfs to feudal lords assumed different forms, such as defection or brigandage, common in the present areas of Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine.

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