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Quo Vadis Katalogu Zabytków miasta Krakowa

  • Author: Jan Samek
  • Year of publication: 2005
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 153-166
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200511
  • PDF: ksm/09/ksm200511.pdf

The first catalogue of Polish monuments, Katalog zabytków sztuki w Polsce, was published in 1950. It was developed according to Professor Jerzy Szablowski's concept and covered the administrative district of Cracow, including the Mogiła village.  A separate catalogue devoted to the monuments of Cracow, Katalog zabytków miasta Krakowa, has been published since 1965. So far nine volumes have appeared, encompassing 189 books with many thousands of pictures. Initially, the editorial work (i.e. academic and technical editing) was done mainly by myself, later on with the help of Professor Adam Bochniak and Dr. Izabella Rejduch-Samkowa.  From the very beginning, due to the size constraints, the catalogue comprised the monuments created after 1850 and lacked colourful illustrations as well as iconographic and geographic indices.  The volumes I worked on focused on the sacred buildings, including Judaic art, of three Cracow quarters - Śródmieście, Stradom and Kleparz. The items contained therein included artistic items made until almost 20th century as well as extended descriptions in areas such as textiles and goldsmithery to ensure a better differentiation in the fields concerned.  The recently published catalogues were devoted to the quarter of Zwierzyniec, and the monuments in the Market Square, respectively. Unfortunately both these volumes, particularly the latter one, contain many errors and lack much information. Besides, the edition of the catalogue of all Polish monuments has been diminishing dramatically in the last few decades.  Last but not least, it should be noted that Katalog zabytków miasta Krakowa is the biggest publication of this kind in Europe. It needs to be thoroughly modernised since verifying the information provided by all the authors is in the long run a virtually impracticable task. The catalogue of Polish monuments, particularly those located in Cracow, serves as a basic publication for studies on the Polish art and keeps unveiling new information about monuments still unknown.

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