Choroby alergiczne a środowisko naturalne i skażone
- Year of publication: 2001
- Source: Show
- Pages: 197-208
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/05/ksm200114.pdf
During the last century the high increase in prevalence of allergic diseases is observed. About 25-30% of human pnpulation suffer from these diseases. In the same time many new chemical substances related to industrial development have appeared in human surrounding. In polluted environment allergy often spreads among individuals without predisposition in family. An increase in allergogenicity of natural substances and an increase environmental allergens penetration into human body are observed. Irritant and toxic ksenobiotics, absent in natural environment, can influence on defence mechanisms of human organism. In the study natural and polluted environmental factors, especially in a workplace, are discussed. Experimental researches considering the subject, postulated patomechanisms of observed phenomena as well as stress influence on immunological reactions of human body are described. Preventive methods for stopping the uncontrolled increase in allergic diseases and for improvement of patients' quality of life are proposed.