Zmiany w rolnictwie rejonu podkrakowskiego w okresie transformacji (na przykładzie gminy Michałowice)
- Year of publication: 2004
- Source: Show
- Pages: 199-210
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/08/ksm200412.pdf
Changes in Agriculture of Kraków surroundings within the Transformation Period (on the example of Michałowice community)
Within the period of 1988-2002 agriculture of Michałowice community has undergone significant changes. Total area of farms has decreased (by 10%) mostly due to the decrease of plough-land. The area of sowing has been reduced by 25% due to the loss of arable land and formation of uncultivated territories. The partition of grains in the total area of sowing has increased from 53% in 1988 to 64% in 2002. Presently Wheat is the most popular plant grown within the area of the community investigated (56% of the total grains) and barley (21%). The area of rye cultivation has decreased 7 times and now it represents hardly 3% of the total area of grains. The significance of oats, triticale and grain mixtures has decreased likewise. On the contrary, the partition of corn has increased from 0 up to 10% as well as the partition of vegetables - from 6 to 11%. The area of potato cultivation has decreased by 25%, but the partition of this plant in the total sowing has remained the same (15%). The partition of cultivation of other plants has decreased from 24 to 9%.) Fruit growing has become a significant factor. Livestock has decreased by 70%. In case of herd changes in the number of population are not significant.
Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie, Użytkowanie gruntów, powierzchnia zasiewów i pogłowie zwierząt gospodarskich 2002, województwo małopolskie, Kraków 2003.